
Blackboard Learn

Blackboard Learning (Original) is the learning management system used by CUI to deliver all online and hybrid courses as well as support face-to-face courses. Blackboard offers comprehensive support materials and tutorials through the Blackboard Learn Help for Students resources.

Below, some of the more commonly referenced items have been singled out for your quick reference. Please note that there are multiple versions of Blackboard and as you review different support materials you may see references to Blackboard Learn or Blackboard Ultra. CUI uses Blackboard Learn so references to Blackboard Ultra do not apply.

It is strongly recommended that you download and install multiple internet browsers on your computer. Sometimes you can troubleshoot an error that is occurring by simply opening up the same page in a different browser. Blackboard provides this browser check to check your installed browser's compatibility with Blackboard Learn.

The name of the app is "Blackboard" and the developer is Blackboard Inc. When you go through the setup process, you will be asked to choose your university; look for Concordia California. You will use your same E number and password that you use on your computer to log into the Blackboard and your Eagles email.

Each Blackboard course has a Send Email tool. This tool allows you to send emails to your instructor and classmates without needing to know their email addresses.

Instructions for using the email tool in Blackboard.

Your Blackboard course will likely have a Discussion Board menu link located on the left menu. If not, follow the instructions your instructor provides.

Instructions for using the Discussion Board

Assignments may be located in different content sections of your course. When you locate the name of your assignment in one of these areas, you simply click the title of the assignment, use the Browse My Computer button to find your file, and then click the Submit.

Instructions for Submitting an Assignment to Blackboard