Senior Stuff

Southwest High School - Class of 2024

Senior superlative voting/nominations

Visit the Google Form to NOMINATE for each category, 

Category 1: Most likely to grow old together (friendship duo)

Category 2: Most likely to pop up on your for you page (social media)

Category 3: most likely to be on the cover of vogue (fashionable) 

Category 4: Most likely to be president (leader)

Category 5: Most likely to win an Olympic medal (athletic)

Category 6: most likely to host a late night talk show (funny)

Category 7: Most likely to be a Major League Gamer 

Category 8: Most likely to give their last piece of gum (nicest to know)

Category  9: Most likely to win an Oscar or Grammy (talented)

Category 10: Most likely to display their work in a museum (artistic) 

Category 11: Most likely to always have aux 

Category 12: Most likely to teach at SHS 

Category 13: Most likely to be the next Gordon Ramsey 

Category 14: Most likely to be your doctor