
The CUFA Chinese Language Center

The center is located in the center of Keelung,next to Zhongzheng Park. Our Office is set in an elegant but quiet. It is a confirtable environment and good for learning here.

Medical Information

Keelung Hospital

The Qualified Hospitals in Keelung for the ARC Health Check :

The Keelung Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare

(AddressNo. 268, Xin 2nd Rd., Xinyi Dist., Keelung City 201)

Nursing Station

The University nursing station is on the sixth floor of the Building I and is open from 8:00 to 17:00. The station dispenses over-the-counter pharmaceuticals and conducts simple health procedures, such as checks of body temperature and blood pressure.

Health emergencies

In case of a health emergency, call 02-24274604 for assistance.

*24-hour emergency call of CUFA Campus Security Unit.

Covid- 19 Area

Flu precautions

If your body temperature exceeds 37.5 C, do not attend class; seek medical attention. In Taiwan, it is considered courteous to wear a face mask if you have a cold and cough and plan to be in close proximity to others.

Where is hospital?

How to register online for seeing a doctor

How to say I am not well in Chinese

Compulsory Student Insurance

(less than 6 months)

According to the MOE’s regulation, overseas students are compulsory to join the Group Student Accident Insurance. Students who could provide any other insurance documents to prove qualified for Student Accident Insurance can be exempted. The cost is about NT$ 1,500 for a term (3 months) of insurance. ※ The money will be transferred to your account by the Insurance company.

  • Claims information

  1. Claims regulations are based on the contract of the insurance.

  2. Please go to hospitals or clinics which join with National Health Insurance.

  3. Apply for a medical certificate and keep all receipts.

  4. Hand in all required documents for applying claims to CLC Office.

  • Document Needed

    1. ​​​​​​​Claims applying form

    2. All original receipts

    3. Medical certificate

    4. A copy of bank or post office account book

    5. A copy of ARC/passport

National Health Insurance (Over 6 months of stay)

The students who are qualified should join the National Health Insurance. Students can join the NHI through CLC.

  • Who Can Join?

    1. The students who are holding the ARCs and have stayed in Taiwan for 6 consecutive months.

    2. The ARCs holders have left Taiwan once for less than 30 days but their stay of residence in Taiwan, deducting the days of been out of Taiwan, have accumulated to reach 6 months.

  • Applying for NHI

    1. Students Applying NHI for the first time, please hand in the following documents to the CUFA CLC Office: photo (2”)、ARC and a copy of ARC、NHI Card Application Form.

    2. If you transfer to CUFA, please hand in the NHI transfer report from your original school to OIA with your ARC and a copy of ARC. After you join NHI through CUFA, the NHI fee will be included in the registration fee. (NTD 826/one month).

    3. If you work in Taiwan after graduation or transfer to other universities, please come to the CUFA CLC Office to deal with the NHI transfer.

    4. If you finish or withdrawal from studying at the CUFA CLC, please cancel the NHI coverage.



Students would have options for an on-campus dormitory or own arrangement off the campus. If you would make your own arrangement, you are advised to arrive two weeks before the commencement of the course.

The room type of on-campus dormitory is 6 occupancy rooms offered. Quotas at on-campus residences are limited.

  • Dorm Introduction: https://b002.cufa.edu.tw/p/412-1001-784.php

  • Fee

    1. NT$ 10,000/per semester

    2. Deposit Money NT$2,000 (The dorm deposits NT$2,000 extra charges, which will be returned after the dorm-checking-out inspection.)

*The charges are not suitable for the Study Tour program on vacations.

3. Get prepaid fee for air-conditioning: NT$ 500/per person

Public Area



Dorm's Hall


Document Needed

Type of Visa

There is no student visa in Taiwan. There are only 2 kinds of visas for overseas students.

1. Visitor Visa: a short-term visa for a stay less than 6 months.

2. Resident Visa: a relatively long term of stay over 6 months

The purpose of entering Taiwan

To study Chinese in Taiwan, you may apply for a visa for Studying Chinese purpose.

If you currently are not here in Taiwan, you may apply for Visitor Visa for Studying Chinese Purpose.

If you are studying Chinese in Taiwan and seeking a longer stay, you may apply for Residents Visas for Studying Mandarin Chinese.

Campus entertainment





vacation destination


Heping Island Park

Student's Work

尹南多-五分埔(中) (印).mp4

Wufenpu Commercial Zone

Student's Work

馬艾玲 去九份.mp4

Jiufen Old Street

Student's Work