
& Sport Lab

Lab Director: Dr. Carol R. Glass                                         Department of Psychology - The Catholic University of America

I am now Professor Emerita and no longer accepting new students or lab volunteers.  If you are a prospective grad student who is interested in mindfulness research, consider applying to work with Dr. Marcie Goeke-Morey (goekemorey@cua.edu) in the Family Mindfulness Lab.

The Mindfulness and Sport research team has been investigating mindfulness-based interventions for athletes since 2005, when the initial version of Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE®) was developed. For more information, visit http://www.mindfulsportperformance.org. Our research has included:

Other studies in my former Anxiety, Mindfulness, and Psychotherapy Integration (AMPIR) Lab focused on several other major areas of interest:

Anxiety and Mindfulness: Research dealt with mindfulness and cognitive factors in anxiety, with greatest emphasis on relations between mindfulness-based interventions and emotions, cognition, personality, and psychological well-being. Some of the areas addressed in previous studies include: 

 Psychotherapy Integration: Research primarily focused on understanding the ways in which different approaches to psychotherapy are combined and integrated in actual practice, including the integration of mindfulness into different psychotherapy orientations. Recent studies included: