Meet the Librarian

This is my 18th year of teaching. Most of my teaching career has been spent in 7th and 8th grade Social Studies. I grew up here in Norwich, Connecticut. As a former social studies teacher and local resident, my own interests are in Norwich and Southeastern Connecticut history (especially Native American and Colonialism).

I have a Master of (Library) Information from Rutgers University. Additionally, I have a Bachelors of Science (Marketing) and Post Baccalaureate in Social Studies Secondary Education from Central Connecticut Central University.

I have a Connecticut Teaching Certification in Library Media, Social Studies and Business.

I LOVE reading Young Adult books and constantly have a book pile in my home. Another favorite past time is the hunt for information to help others. I love to investigate and discover new ways to unravel a trail of elusive data.

Besides learning, my second most favorite thing is to share out knowledge to students and adults. Whether it may be visiting a classroom to share research strategies, hosting a school event in the library, showcasing a library program, presenting new book arrivals, demonstrating technology integration or presenting at a state conference.

I am lucky. I have the best job in the world. I love working with students and staff together to make our school library an integral part of the Norwich Technical High School community.

Research Guide:

Native Americans in Eastern CT

Always piles of books to be read

Sharing library makerspace experience with InnovateCT