General Magazines & Journals

Designed specifically for high school libraries, MAS Ultra – School Edition is a full-text database of popular magazines, reference books and primary sources covering many subjects, including history, science and health. It also includes and over a million photos, maps and flags.

This is an intuitive online research platform with quality databases and search features.

Designed for high school students, in Explora students can look up articles and facts for research papers, class projects, or homework from the world’s leading magazines and reference books.

Academic Search Premier is a leading multidisciplinary research database that provides acclaimed full-text journals, magazines and other valuable resources.

MasterFILE Elite provides access to full-text magazines, journals, and reference books as well as photos, maps and flags. Search for Consumer Reports and more here!

This is a general interest database. It includes full-text magazines, newspapers, reference books and encyclopedias covering a variety of topics, including health, education, technology and business.

Popular Magazines made accessible such as Outdoor Life, People, Bicycling, Popular Mechanics, Consumer Reports, Runner's World, Seventeen, Dirt Bike, Ebony, Field and Stream, Sports Illustration

A Spanish-language database, Referencia Latina covers a broad array of subjects and includes reference books, general interest magazines, and health reports.

This database to explore current events, social, political and economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics frequently discussed in the classroom.