

This term we are learning about electricity. To start off we created an information dual coding sheet to gather some of the most important information to do with the discovery, theory and uses of electricity.

Record that conductivity!

We predicted if materials would be an insulator of conductor.

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...

We then tested a range of materials to see if they could conduct an electrical flow.

Brightness check

What happens to the brightness of the light when we have one cell and two bulbs?

States of Matter

States of matter concern the properties of everything around us. They include solids, liquids and gasses.

This diagram shows the 3 states of matter and how heating them can change which state of matter they are in!

Here is an extremely interesting video of me heating ice. Skip through the video and see if you can spot the different states of matter! Do you know what the process of a solid turning into a liquid is called? How about the process where liquid turns into a gas?

We classified different 'things' into their states of matter, then analysed the process and gave our own definitions.

Correcting Mr Hart's slime recipe - but is it a solid or a liquid?