Welcome to the Monmouth County

Career Center!

The Career Center is a shared-time basis program for students with special needs in grades 9 - 12. The school takes students in a sending-receiving relationship on a half-day basis from approximately 30 Monmouth County High Schools.

The majority of 9th and 10th graders attend the Career Center for two and one half hours in the morning, called the Exploratory Program. Students attending the Exploratory Session are placed in four different vocational areas, one per marking period. Students participate in the Exploratory Session for at least one school year but no more than two school years.

The majority of 11th and 12th graders attend the Career Center for two and one half hours in the afternoon, called the Training Program. Students attending the Training Session will remain in one specific vocational program for the entire year. Students in the Training Session will complete a minimum of two years.

The Admission process begins with students completing an 5-day pre-vocational evaluation. The evaluation period helps in providing sending districts with a profile of the vocational areas for which the student expresses an interest as well as to determine the appropriateness of the student within a vocational instructional setting.

The students earn 17.5 credits per year. 12.5 credits are for the vocational component and 5 credits are for the academic component.

Students are scheduled four days per week into vocational classes and receive 2.5 hours per day of instruction.

Students are scheduled one day per week into supplemental academics for 2 hours per week of instruction.

MCVSD - Career Center - Shorter.mp4