加入我們 Recruiting
🔗 教授給新生的訊息
我們每年都有大學部、碩士班、博士班的學生加入。因為資源有限,我們無法給予學生們相當於他們貢獻的薪資。在有研究計畫和政府補助的前提下,我們最多能提供每月 20000 元給博士班學生,每月 6000 元給碩士班學生,但是我們不能保證經常都能如此。基本上,學生必須自己想辦法取得求學所需的財力支援,這是台灣目前的狀態。然而,台灣大學的學費相當便宜,每年只要 50000~60000 元即可,可謂價廉物美。如果學生對於研究津貼有別的需求,請先與洪教授做個人討論。
有意加入本實驗室的同學,歡迎約時間與洪教授討論,或是隨時來敲他研究室 (320) 的門。來訪之前,請瀏覽相關資料,了解一下我們實驗室在做的研究方向。也可以先到 504 實驗室參訪,跟研究生聊一聊,多方了解實驗室的研究領域,教育理念,以及個人風格。
學生每周參加實驗室全體的會議 (約兩小時),以及與定期與洪教授一對一的會談。碩士與博士班學生要拿到學位,必須證明他們的研究能力,包括寫論文和通過答辯,而我們對此有很高的標準。
Every year, we accept BS, MS, and Ph.D. students. Due to limited fundings that we receive from the government, we cannot afford to fully pay our students for their contributions. We pay our Ph.D. students up to NT$20000 per month and MS students up to NT$6000. That is typical in Taiwan. To cover your tuition fees and living expenses, you have to find your own financial support. On the other hand, the tuition fees for NTU are inexpensive, which is about NT$50000~NT$60000 per year as of 2013.
Those who are interested in joining PAS Lab are welcome to make appointment with Prof. Shih-Hao Hung, or knock on the door of CSIE 320 without an appointment. However, please read the basic information about our lab -- you should have the basic understanding about some of our research directions before you come. You can visit the lab at CSIE 504 any time to talk to the students, so you can better understand the research, education, and life in our lab.
We would like to work with students who have some background in the following areas:
Parallel processing
Computer architecture
System software
Information security
In our lab, we hope to train our students in analyzing practical state-of-the-art technical issues and enable them to identify new research problems, formulate research proposals, and implement innovatiove solutions. Students are expected to gain practical experiences by tracing large programs, profiling complex systems, and reading research papers. Eventually, MS and PhD students are required to summarize their research works, defend their works, and write research papers.
Students of PAS Lab participate in a weekly group meeting (2 hours) and have individual 1-on-1 meeting with Prof. Hung periodically. For MS and Ph.D. students to earn their degrees, they need to prove that they have done good research works by writing theses and pass the defense. We have a high standard on the quality of our students' research works.
On average, MS students earn their degrees in 2 years. Some may graduate earlier and may graduate in 2.5~3 years, depending on their progress. Our M.S. graduates are wanted by the industry, and none of them have had any problems in finding good jobs.
We ask Ph.D. students to demonstrate top-notch works in their research areas. If you are interested in our Ph.D. program, please consider your own capability and schedule. In our area, it is usually difficult to become a top-notch researcher unless you are highly devoted. Thus, part-time Ph.D. students can have a tough time completing their Ph.D. training if their research works are unrelated to their daily jobs. We believe that our Ph.D. training develops useful skills for taking a leading position in top-notch companies.