College and Career Readiness Curriculum

Lesson 1 pwpt.pptx

An introduction to the role of your College and Career Coach (me!), what it means to be "first generation" and ways to identify your college/career goals and values.

*To view full presentation, click "open in Google slides" at the top*

Lesson 2 - Career Pathways [Autosaved].pptx

In this lesson, I introduce a survey you can take to match your interests to specific careers. The survey will identify what level of education is required and how much you could make annually for a specific career.

*To view full presentation, click "open in Google slides" at the top*

Lesson 3 Online.pptx

For this lesson, we explore the different types of degrees you can earn and learn more about the different higher education institutions available. I also share my college pathway as well!

*To view full presentation, click "open in Google slides" at the top*

Lesson 4 - online.pptx

One of the greatest barriers students experience when pursuing higher education is money. In this lesson, we introduce financial aid and scholarships. College can be expensive, but there are ways to make it more affordable!

*To view full presentation, click "open in Google slides" at the top*

Lesson 5 - online.pptx

In our final lesson, we review the materials from past lessons and conclude by having you write a letter to yourself or a family member about what you want your future to look like.

*To view full presentation, click "open in Google slides" at the top*