Computational Cancer Biology Resources

Dataset :  

Gene Discovery in Prostate Cancer 

GSE6919 from NCBI 

Radiogenomics of Glioblastoma

Dataset name: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) GBM dataset with both MRI and gene expression data for analyzing the radiogenomic associations with the survival of each feature.

Dataset link:

Description: There are 202 cases and out of them 59 cases have the corresponding MRI data, with T1 contrast and air modalities. The gene expression proles of 59 patients consist of 1740 genes for each patient.

Glioma Survival prediction using mRNA expressions

Dataset name: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA) cohorts

Dataset link:,


Gene expression GBM and lower grade glioma (LGG), which are biomarkers to classify subjects into risk groups, TCGA dataset comprises of 252 subject cases with overall survival information and gene expression profiles of 16510 genes, obtained using the Illumina HiSeq RNA Sequencing platform.

CGGA dataset consists of 315 cases with overall survival data and gene expression profiles of 24326 genes, acquired using Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform, which is a powerful high-throughput sequencing system.

Techniques and Tools: 

Gene Discovery in Prostate Cancer 

General Statistics

Binary Classifiers

Support Vector Machines 

 Radiogenomics of Glioblastoma

Machine Learning algorithms:

Linear Kernel function of Support Vector Machine (linear-SVM),

Radial basis kernel function of Support Vector Machine (r-SVM),

Polynomial kernel function of Support Vector Machine (p-SVM),

Random Forest Classication (RFC),

Decision Tree (DT) and Logistic

Regression (LR)

Glioma Survival prediction using mRNA expressions

Decision Tree

Random forest classification



Support vector machine

Bayesian neural network

Pyro (version 1.3.1) probabilistic programming language

pytorch (version 1.5.0)

Scikitlearn library


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