
CSD Induction Program

The CSD Induction Program is accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing as a pathway for teachers to clear their preliminary teaching credential. Participating Teacher experience enhanced professional growth and development through a rich and thoughtful Induction process. At the beginning of each school year, beginning teachers choose to participate in the CSD Induction program and attend a beginning of the year meeting which provides an overview of the program, an Induction handbook, meeting schedule, program expectations, mentor expectations and more. Participating Teachers are paired with a Mentor who will provide direct support. Direct support is specific to the new teacher’s individual and classroom needs. The Mentor also provides indirect support. Indirect support includes connecting the new teacher to other forms of support within the school.

The foundational components of Induction are three-fold:

1. Mentoring (Support Providers)

2. The Individual Learning Plan (ILP)

3. California Standards of the Teaching Profession (CSTP #1-7) Before developing the ILP, teachers reflect on their site and classroom context, transition plan from their credentialing program, and their initial self-assessment on the CSTPs.

Each Participating Teacher must work on two ILP goals continuously. ILP goals are developed and revised through job embedded application and reflection. The Induction process allows Participating Teacher to expand, enrich, and improve their teaching knowledge and skill through collegial reflection and application-based activities. Growing as a professional, feeling greater confidence as a teacher, and meeting the learning needs of all students are the main goals of the system. Participating Teachers employ an ongoing learning process that follows a cycle of plan, teach, reflect, and apply. Participating Teachers, with the assistance of a Mentor, will identify areas of both strength and growth and complete an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Action research will guide individual professional development around the 2009 California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and the Induction Standards (IS).

Participating Teacher have the opportunity to participate in a variety of professional development opportunities, observe exemplary teaching practices, and are observed by their Mentor.

They have the option to receive university credit while clearing their credential. All activities, reflection, professional learning, and mentoring are connected to the individual needs of each Teacher Candidate. ILPs are designed and implemented solely for the professional growth and development of the Participating Teacher and not for evaluation for employment purpose.

CSD has had an Induction program in place since 2010. There is a system of review process to ensure that the program remain eligible to offer a way for our teachers to clear their credentials here at CSD. Recently, CSD received full accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation (COA). COA oversees the accreditation system for Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). We will continue to offer this program to our teachers through weekly meetings and designing Individual Learning Plans (ILP) to ensure that they receive the support needed during the first part of their teaching careers. The Induction Program Standards and mentoring are important aspects of the program. This program is unique since we focus on Deaf Education and Deaf pedagogy with focus on Equity.

Commission on Teacher Credentialing- How To Get Your Credential Cleared

Credentials Cleared Here at CSD

Purpose: The induction program will clear either one, or, two or all three credentials (single subject, multiple subjects or Education Specialist (DHH).

From CTC: The term "Clear" or "Level II" credential signifies that all education and program requirements for the credential have been met. Clear or Level II credentials are not held for professional growth requirements. Effective January 1, 2007, all clear and level II credentials must be renewed online.

Single Subject

General Education

Multiple Subject

General Education

Deaf Education

Education Specialist

dhh education specialist.doc