Meet the Staff

Editor in Chief: Cassidy Pickering

Cassidy has been writing stories for as long as she can remember, as far back as Kindergarten. She loves to write horror stories and poems. This is her second year on the Euphony staff and she's excited to explore new directions for the magazine.

Assistant Editor in Chief: Juliet Bryant

Juliet has been writing short stories, poems, and attempted novels since COVID hit. She is president of the Creative Writing Club at Alta, and does her best to encourage people to keep writing. She hopes to use her year on Euphony to increase outreach and marketing, as well as edit the Horror section of the magazine. 

Assistant Editor in Chief: Heritage Bliss

Heritage is the editor of the nature and adventure sections of the magazine. He has been writing fantasy for half his life, though his first story was science-fiction and based in Mexico. He says he's a junior, but no one believes this. He loves helping people with their writing more than anything.

Editor: Mallorie Maughn

Mallorie is the head of the romance section! Her favorite genres to read and write are romance and mystery. She has been writing short stories and poetry for about six years. This is her first year on the Euphony Magazine.

Editor: Rachel Brower

Rachel has been creating stories since she could remember and has loved writing thm since the first grade. She is currently on the path of her author dreams with her first full novel in progress. Her favorite genre is fantasy, though she does appreciate a little bit of everything. This is her first year on the Euphony staff and she can't wait to learn more about editing and is more than happy to read all of the tragedy teenagers have to offer!

Editor: Ariana Peterson

Ariana published a fantasy novel on Amazon titled Dragon Eyes when she was fifteen, which is also available in the Alta library. She is currently working on a sequel to her first book. She loves the adventure and wonder of a new story. Her first year on the Euphony magazine was 2023-2024.

Editor: Dublin McClure

Dublin is currently a sophmore at Alta. He is the Historian for the Speech and Debate team and has been doing debate for five years now. He has written multiple poems and worked on a few books. He enjoys long walks on the beach as well.

Editor: Maddie Griffith

Maddie is a sophmore. Writing has been one of her favorite things to do since the moment she was able to, especially poems. This is her first year on the Euphony staff and she's excited to learn, expand her abilities, and contribute as much as she can!

Editor: Vall Lobo

This is Vall's first year on the Euphony Magazine staff. She has written short stories and poem since the seventh grade and she's really excited to be apart of the staff!