Meet The Members


Mary Albert

Grade: Senior, 12

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Lacrosse and Cheer

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My Favorite memory at North is Operation Snowball. It’s such a fun and amazing experience. You get to learn more about yourself and meet new people. There is a lot of activities that make you realize that you're not alone and that everyone is there to support you. Right when you get off the bus there are leaders and directors cheering for you and welcoming you. I would recommended to everyone to participate. It's a great weekend and one of the best ways the DGN students come together!

Sotis Gouriotis

Grade: Senior, 12

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Model UN, Varsity Tennis, Speech Team, Math Team, Spanish tutor, Math Resource officer, manager for the Girl's Varsity Tennis Team

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My favorite memory at DGN had to be the AP Spanish field trip to the Art Institute and a Spanish restaurant called Tapas Valencias that my class went on last year.

Hailey Grubich

Grade: Senior, 12

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Student Representative for the Board of Education, ELITE, Cross Country , Lacrosse player, Editor for Omega, a Positively North Leader, Women in STEM.

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My favorite memory at North is making my first lacrosse goal during a varsity game. My entire team erupted in cheers from the sidelines, and my teammates on the field ran at me because they all knew it was my first.

Charlotte Klasing

Grade: Senior, 12

Sports/Clubs/Activities: DECA, Badminton, Class Board

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My favorite memory at North was during freshman year, when my best friend and I made it to the national level of DECA. We got to fly out to Anaheim, California and compete. While we were there we got to visit Universal Studios, a Dodgers game, Santa Monica beach, and more fun attractions while also gaining business experience. It is a memory I will truly never forget.

Naomi Rajesh

Grade: Senior, 12

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Badminton, Orchesis, Class Board, National Honors Society, ELITE, Equity Team,

  • Favorite Memory at North?

I would have to say my most favorite moment that happened at North (but not really) is when the Badminton team won the 16-team Tournament. It was our very first wide-scale tournament so obviously by the end of the day we were all so tired. When they announced the winners and said that we had taken 1st place it was if someone had given all of us 10 cups of coffee. It motivated all of us to continue working harder for the rest of the season and I could not have asked for a better team. Looking forward to a new season this spring!

Molly Smith

Grade: Senior, 12


  • Favorite Memory at North?

Madeleine Spencer

Grade: Senior, 12

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Color Guard, Symphonic Band, 2020 Class Board, Homecoming Committee, and Snowball

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My favorite memory at North is after a home football game regardless if we win or lose, the Football Team, Marching Band, Cheerleaders, Athenas and Student Section all come together to sing the Alma Mater. It's really cool to see the pride all the students have for DGN and how we can all come together to support our school.

Antwaun Scott

Grade: Senior, 12

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Student advisory council, UMS/UWS, Football, Wrestling, Track and Field

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My favorite memory is coming here freshman year and meeting lots of new people and finding out how easy it was to get into new clubs.


Delaney Durbin

Grade: Junior, 11

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Choir, Choir Board, French Club, Drama Club, Theater

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My current favorite memory at North is hard to pick because I’ve been offered so many amazing and rare opportunities since I’ve come here. But over the summer, a teacher reached out to a four of us and asked us to be the “rock band” to accompany the marching band. This was one of the first musical opportunities I was offered at North and it will always be something I look back on as one of my favorite experiences thus far.

Matt Rowley

Grade: Junior, 11

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Cross country and Track

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My favorite memory at North comes from the cross country state meet. A group my teammates and I took the fan bus down to the meet to support our teammates and witness history. After the race was over, and we knew that we had won the state meet for the first time in DGN’s history, emotions were flying everywhere. Everyone was so proud of the guys who ran and we knew they would keep doing great things as the season continued.

Anika Oplanic

Grade: Junior, 11

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Secretary of Book Club, Direct Action, Erika's Lighthouse, Filipino Culture Club, Independent Women in Leadership, Northwind, Student Advisory Council

  • Favorite Memory at North?

There are so many to choose from, to be honest. Each one is a vastly different experience - whether at a field trip, or a club meeting, or something else, there's only one constant: the people I'm with. Developing new friendships and keeping the older ones is the one memory I will always enjoy. A newer friend (with whom I've made so many exciting memories with) is Jared Imperial, who also took this very professional photo in a very professional studio.

Chris Morris

Grade: Junior, 11


  • Favorite Memory at North?

have many great memories at DGN, but my personal favorite is standing in a circle of hundreds of people at homecoming and feeling the energy from everyone dancing and singing with gigantic smiles on everyone’s faces.

Gavin Ranquist

Grade: Junior, 11

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Wrestling

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My favorite memory is beating DGS in the basketball playoffs in 2018.


Julian Vega

Grade: Sophomore, 10

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Student Leadership Club, Football, Wrestling, Baseball

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My favorite memory at north so far is going to practice and going to eat with friends after.

Sarah Kippes

Grade: Sophomore, 10


  • Favorite Memory at North:

My favorite memory at North is the first day of school because I came from a really small grade school and I was really anxious about starting as a freshman at a huge high school but everyone was so welcoming and I love all my teachers and classes.

Timmy Ryan

Grade: Sophomore, 10


  • Favorite Memory at North:


Suzette Alvarez

Grade: Freshman, 9

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Latino Student Union, Homecoming Committee, Art Club, Band Board, Band

  • Favorite Memory at North?

One of my favorite memories is being in marching band and getting a "family" throughout the process.

Christopher Ferris

Grade: Freshman

Cam Hejny

Grade: Freshman, 9

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Trojan Marching Band

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My favorite memory at North is performing with the marching band at every home football game. This is my favorite memory so far at DGN because I made new friends and it is a lot of fun.

Breairah Bradford

Grade: Freshman, 9

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Cheer and Track

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My favorite memory is making new friends and go to school clubs together.

Kate Southworth

Grade: Freshman, 9

Sports/Clubs/Activities: Varsity Tennis, Lacrosse

  • Favorite Memory at North?

My favorite memory is making varsity tennis and spending time with the upperclassmen on the team.