


At the beginning of the quarter, project teams worked independently to identify different metrics for assessing robotic pickers. Here we consolidate the set of metrics that will be used to measure the performance of the robotic pickers developed in this class. Like many robotic systems, the key performance metrics for picking are related to the efficacy and efficiency of the system. We propose the following key performance metrics:

Successful attempts end when the picked object is dropped into the red tote and the robot returns to its start pose. Failed attempts end when the robot or an experimenter observing the robot declares one of the failures listed above and the robot returns to its start pose.


We categorize the ways in which the robotic picker may fail as follows:

The failures marked with * are ones that the robot will be aware of by design (i.e., the software will decide whether to pass and will receive a signal when the arm refuses to move due to an overload). The failures marked with ** are ones that the teams will try to implement detectors for using the robot's sensor. All other ones can be identified by an experimenter observing the system.

Object types

Project teams also looked closely at a set of objects from the Amazon Picking challenge to identify the different dimensions in which items can vary. Here is a subset of those item attributes that we will pay attention to as we specialize picking strategies for different types of objects. You can assume that the "listing" for an item, which involves information related to an item that the robot has access to when an item is requested, will involve a categorization of the item in these dimensions.

In addition to these attributes teams can augment the item listings with additional information and data, such as weight of the item, canonical images or pointcloud segments of the item, feature representation of the item (e.g. color or shape histogram).