Introduction to NLP

Welcome to Spring 2024 offering of 

COMP 590-158: Introduction to Natural Language Processing

Note: The material on this website is tentative. 

Course number: COMP 590-158 - Introduction to NLP

Instructor: Snigdha Chaturvedi

TA: Chengche Tsai (

Discussion Forum: Piazza: 

Lectures: MW 12:30PM - 1:45PM in SN014  

TA's Office Hours: Fridays 1-2PM in SN313. Starting from the week of Jan 15.

Snigdha's Office Hours: Mondays 1:45-2:45 PM in my office FB236 (starting from the week of Jan 22)

Prerequisites: COMP 562 Introduction to Machine Learning or STOR 565: Machine Learning (or another such course with instructor's permission). Exceptions to pre-requisites will be extremely rare, on a case-to-case basis, and are at the student's own risk.

I am getting a lot of emails about evaluating students' knowledge of ML and whether it is sufficient for taking this course. Please understand that it is not possible for me to evaluate this over email or just by knowing that you have taken an online course or done an internship in a related field.  



"Use of generative AI tools of any kind is not permitted in this course. Any use of these tools will be considered an instance of academic dishonesty and will be referred to the Honor System."