Requesting a Letter of Recommendation

First, send me an email requesting a letter of recommendation. This must be done 4-6 weeks prior to the first recommendation deadline!

Once I've agreed to write you a letter, please put together a google drive folder entitled your name_Recommendations (e.g., "MaryLyon_Recommendations") that includes:

  1. a google spreadsheet entitled your name Recommendations for goal position e.g., ("Mary Lyon Recommendations for Summer '19 REU") with a row for each application

  2. each row should contain entries for:

    • program name (if there is a web site for the program, this should link to it)

    • submission deadline

    • submission process (such as: email, web site -- give url, program will contact me, or snail mail -- you will give me/have given envelope)

    • an extra column for me to check off when I've submitted it

    • rename the tab at the bottom that defaults to "Sheet1" with your first name (e.g., "Mary")

    • sort the spreadsheet by earliest deadline!

  3. your current resume

  4. your current transcript

  5. a google doc that includes your chosen name, your pronouns, and highlights what you have taken with me, what projects you've done with me, etc.

  6. any additional materials (essays, personal statements) that would help me in writing


  1. Share the google drive folder with me.

  2. Email me when you are done with your materials or any time you update, so that I can write your letter (this should be at least 3 weeks prior to the earliest deadline).

I will not begin to write until you email!

If you add any applications after you have sent this email, update the spreadsheet and email me again.