

A collection of poems written by 7S



A Personal Odyssey by Faith B-A


The foundation of spice and gold

Heritage of rich, savoury foods eaten by hand

All those years ago 

When my Greatgrandfather was King of Mampong…?

Atakora Ameniampong I

All the troubles faced by my ancestors

Is like a long root stretching down from family to family gradually flowing into my blood

But who am I?


A lifestyle of music, dance and jubilation

The first Black African country to achieve independence from colonial rule.

The glorious coat of many colours

Referred to as the Gold Coast, or the Land of Gold

But all the evidence

Left by past residence

Is it really in the presence

To answer, who am I?

I am Faith Bonsu-Amoako

No not Fay Bonsa-Amako

And definitely not Fait Bon Suh-Omaha Koa

But Faith Bonsu-Amoako

Just a normal girl of a rich heritage

I may not be English,

But I am Black-British

And I think I’ve answered the question,

Who Am I?

My Best Friends by Jasmine M

Friendship is very big,

We always laugh together,

We wear funny wigs,

And we are always together forever.


We share all our feelings,

We always have fun,

We care for each other,

And we always relax in the hot sun.


Friendship is all about love,

It will never end,

We are like a pair of gloves,

And we will always be best friends.


This is to my family,

My best friends from birth,

I love them more than the earth,

I wrote this to show them,

How much they are worth.


What makes me joyful? by Neya P

Having a fun time with my friends

Lying down in the warm sizzling sun                                               ⁂

in my garden

Watching the beautiful sunset

Drinking my favourite sugary boba                                    ⁂

Snow settling down on the trees

Spending precious time with my family                                                               ⁂

on Christmas Eve

Soft squishy marshmallows in my mouth                                     ⁂                            

Watching my favourite show on Netflix 

Decorating my house for a magical Christmas

Seeing my favourite cousins from the US and having fun                          ⁂

Playing my favourite game called Roblox

Hinduism! by Samridhi B

In the heart of tales, ancient and old,

Hinduism's warmth, a story unfolds.

A journey through time, ancient and wise,

a celebration of time that flies.

Hinduism isn’t just for young,

But for the old too,

Ram and Sita, a love so true,

 Diwali brings joy, happiness,

 and light in our lives

Rangoli patterns, vibrant and bright,

Crackling fireworks, with a dazzling sight,

Cultural richness, traditions we share,

Diwali's magic, floating in the air

A year ago today, with gratitude I say,

Hinduism's teachings light my way.

Egypt by Saara S

I love Egypt, I guess it’s great

But on the news someone called us dangerous

Accused us of being terrorists

That’s why my dad only goes back to see his mum

Not to see the country or the people, no one

In Egypt there once was a war

Broken buildings

So much debris on the floor

When that happens you can never unsee what you saw

Because at that point it’s all against the law

Breaking down someone’s door

The soldiers fighting were innocent before

My mum’s side isn’t as crazy

Finland is a country that also unites people

We were voted the happiest country in the world

There it’s all about family

A healthy country and barely any poverty

My ancestral past fascinates me

It’s my history

It builds my identity

My name by Bethia C

For some people my name is a label 

something to call me to keep them stable

For others it's something to see 

an important piece of my identity

For most people its very unique 

Probably because my name is sikh

But for me it's something more

Its a chance for me, it's an open door 

But really my name could be a purple galaxy full of stars

Or a powerful tiger covered in scars 

Or a book full of drama an action

Which is most likely to get a shocked reaction

It could be a land full of emotion 

As full and as deep as the ocean.

Or a detailed painting 

Of a cloud that is raining

Or a 12 year old girl

Eyes like bright blue shimmering pearls 

Freckles scattered across her face

Like shining stars in the fast depths of space 

And although people see my name as a label

Something strong to keep them stable

I can be who I want to be

Bethia is a name

But Bethia is me

Pakistani Paths by Rohaab S

In a distant land of vibrant hues,

Where the sun kisses with warmth 

A tale unfolds of a Pakistani girl,

In a world where dreams are in my hands.

In a town embraced by the cultural' flow,

A young heart beats with a vibrant glow.

With eyes wide, reflecting the Lahore lights,

I step into the world of wondrous sights.

From the Badshahi Mosque to the Shalimar's grace,

I roam the alleys, a smile on my face.

In the city's rhythm, where laughter rings,

A Pakistani girl, where hope takes wings.

A textbook in hand, and dreams in my eyes,

Through the mountains' echo, my spirit flies.

From highest of mount k2 to the Pakistani monument

A Pakistani girl, seeking the light.

In the classroom's hum or the market's buzz,

I discovered the world, from within.

With every step, my identity blooms,

In this garden of cultures, where love looms.

Ramadan's moon, a special glow,

Eid's joy, in my heart, grows.

A Pakistani girl , with traditions so sweet,

In every heartbeat, my roots repeat.

Paradise of Sri Lanka by Reshika P

  Sri Lanka, the teardrop of India

                                       Looking forward to exploring the city of Jaffna

                                 It is a home full of tea, sugar and cinnamon

                           How come I've only explored the bare minimum?

                                                 Sri Lanka, is like a pearl

                                       So lively and small like a little girl

                                                It has a taste of grace

                                      Alongside, the best resting place


                        Sri Lanka, enthralled memories attached once again

                                      Petting  cows, chickens and a hen

                              Oh what would I do to go there once more

                                   This time I’m not leaving that door. 

What makes me me? by Isla D

In the world

A lot of things make up me

Some are what I like

And some are my friends and family.

A bunch of things I like

Are all different

There are so many things out there.

Can you just think of the memories there 

Just waiting for you.

A lot of my hobbies also make up me

All of my hobbies i love

No matter how hard they can be

And there will be twists and turns.

Another part of me 

Is my name

It is one of my main parts

Of my identity

I love my name    

No matter if it is unique or popular.                                   

But it still makes me.

And lastly 

The one that mostly makes up me

Is my friends and family

They are always caring

And always have my back

No matter what the situation is

I know I can always rely on them.

Indian Beauty: A Tribute to the Grace and Elegance of an Indian Girl by Samiksha D

In the land of vibrant hues,

Where traditions and cultures fuse,

Lives a girl with grace and poise,

A true representation of Indian joys.

With eyes that gleam like precious stones,

And that brightens even the darkest tones,

She walks with elegance and pride,

Her presence alone is a joyride.

Her beauty reflects the richness of her land,

Her spirit embodies the strength of its sand,

Her heart beats to the rhythm of its music,

Her soul dances to the tune of its mystic.

She is an Indian girl, a symbol of grace,

A tribute to a land that history can't erase,

May her spirit forever shine bright,

And her grace inspires with every sight.

My heritage by Yaahna M

Mauritius is an island, but I say it's paradise and so do others,

It's a place where you can meet family,  friends,  sisters and brothers but most importantly your culture.

It's a land of four colours,

Red, Blue, Yellow and Green

It consists with a rich history 

Colonised by the dutch,

Taken over by the French,

Ruled over by the british.

And proclaimed an independent island after over 100 years.

The dodo were a huge bird of unknown species 

Only existed on the island of Mauritius.

Its an incredibly large extinct animal that represents this exotic land.

The local cuisine is a sumptuous blend of:

Creole, Indian, French and Chinese dishes.

Just like our spoken languages.

Have you ever wanted to feel warm in the winter,

To complain about the heat all year round,

And to enjoy the sight of tropical paradise.

Well, that’s Mauritius 

A place you should visit…

Diwali by Gauri P

In the midnight blue sky

A symphony of lights begin to fly

Diwali a festival so bright

Igniting hearts with a festive light

Stars twinkling as bright as the sun

Children giggling white having lots of fun

Crackling sparklers and giggles of glee

I have never ever felt so free

Fireworks crackle and start to boom                  

This is where joy starts to bloom

Dancing in a circle and making joyous sound

Lamps twinkle like stars on the ground

Wishes being made people full of cheer

Music played what joy to the ear

Light up your heart let it shine

Happy Diwali in this moment so fine

Ghana by Darshana B-C

For Ghana, my homeland, a story unfolds,

Of a past where colonial winds were cold.

The British they came with claims untrue,

They sailed the seas with red white and blue.

Colonial masters their eyes filled with greed,

Exploiting the land, planting imperial seed.

But chains were forged, bonds tightened in despair,

As the land witnessed the colonial air.

Divide and conquer, the strategy of the day,

Tribes turned against tribes in a colonial play.

Bloodshed and heartache marked each passing day,

As hope and courage slowly slipped away.

Colonialism left scars, deep and wide,

Yet from its grip, Ghana would not hide.

A spirit of resistance, a flame burning bright,

As leaders emerged to reclaim their rights.

The echoes of the past resonate today,

In the vibrant culture, in the Ghanaian way.

Colonial chapters closed, yet not forgotten,

In history's tapestry, their tales begotten.

Morocco by Salma A 

Morocco, a country where smiling is infectious,

A country filled with thousands of ambitions.

Morocco overflowing - like a volcano - with joy,

It’s a country with a variety of things to enjoy.

The smell of couscous wafting through the air,

Attracts all tourists who want to buy their share.

The Moroccan flag, which represents sacrifice and religion,

Is just as meaningful as all of the traditions.

One of them being the tradition of mint tea,

Which is minty and sweet, but not too sugary.

It is most usually drunk alongside the national dish,

Which is couscous, sided with seafood such as fish,

Which leaves the taste of it really delish.

Morocco was made a protectorate by France,

But they regained their independence really fast.

Nineteen twelve to nineteen fifty six is how long it last,

Before a joint declaration was signed in March.

Morocco’s climate is described as tropical,

So it’s never too cold to read the Moroccan chronicle

There are so many ancient things to visit in every city,

Such as palaces and villages which are extremely pretty.

Morocco, a country where everyone is greeted warmly

A community which is filled with lots of hospitality

The people in Morocco are extremely friendly.

Morocco, they are an accepting community.

Kenya by Shreya S  

     In Kenya's embrace, where the savannah meets the sky,

My ancestor's spirit is soaring high.

Born beneath the African sun's warm caress,

A tale unfolds, a legacy to impress.

In the rhythm of Maasai chants, a heartbeat strong,

In the ancestral song, their presence belongs.

Footprints on red earth, a dance so divine,

Guiding the path for generations in line.

Through the whispers of acacia trees tall,

Answering nature's call, echoes recall.

In the Mara's vast expanse, a wild symphony,

Their spirit echoes, forever free.

From the Great Rift Valley to the coastal breeze,

A guardian of ancient seas,

History’s keys.

Born beneath Kilimanjaro's majestic peak,

They found strength, a story unique.

In the cradle of humanity, where roots intertwine,

A legacy divine, in Kenya's vibrant design.

With a spirit woven in the land's thread,

Their essence lives on, in stories widespread.

Me by Diya D 

My name means something to me

But it doesn’t have to for she or he

My name


A flame that burns bright

A name my parents gave to me

My family

They are always there for me, handily

A pillar of strength

my life, my world

Bonded by love and unity

They always support me ‘cause they’re family

I’m from India 

Not from Siberia

I have my culture’s roots

Vibrant traditions, with my religion

And I’m not from Bolivia

Because I’m from India

But if that’s you, that’s JUST fundamentally

You’re right, no don’t put ungently 

I see what you mean

So who am I? What do I like? What’s my story, or my personality?

Well, why don’t you just listen 

Because, in a world that’s loud and boisterous

I navigate through my life, though it’s a bit mysterious

I can be funny, kind and sometimes loud too

but I can be quite shy

They say I’m too quiet to do, it but actually I don’t know why

I like books, the pages filled with tales

Lost in words, my courage never fails,

Especially when my friends are around me, because well

They are my everything to me

In the quiet I find my voice

And in my heart, I feel right, this is something that I rejoice

In this poem

I celebrate my essence

My life, my journey

An ode to my presence.

Ancient History by Amala S 

Ancient history is in the past,

But it won't be the last

As I am bored and restless

I shall let them possess us

With old tampered memories

And long lost documentaries

We shall engulf their life

 as quick as sharpening a knife

For we must learn

And never return

As we will not have concern

Of the past

December by Annalise J

The cold breeze slowly appears

People putting on there scarves and hats

The irresistible eagerness of opening up advent calenders

Putting up the tree and the sparkly decorations

Spending time with family is the most memorable part

The kind and caringness they give you

When the 25th comes all you can think is excitement

And giving and receiving gifts

The joy of seeing what has been left for you to open

And the happiness of being with your loved friends and family

When December is finally over

You think of all the happy memories you had

You miss the joy that it brought

You miss the happy faces

You have to put all the decorations down

And nobody likes that

You miss going out on walks with your fluffy hats and scarves

Inside you deeply miss the cold weather

Though that is just the start of the cold weather

As a new year awaits…..

Seasons by Dejonai D

In the golden sunlight of summer’s embrace,

the world awakens in a beautiful place,

the sun, a fiery ball of light,

hugging the earth with all its might.

Dancing in the day along the sand,

touching the land with a gentle hand,

the smell of flowers in the air,

a fragrance so good, beyond compare.

Children's laughter echoes in the distance,

Happy of earth's existence,

Splashing in rivers, oceans and lakes

Their feet begin to ache.

Winter, full of frost and chill,

everything begins to seem so still,

snowflakes dancing with the breeze,

whispering songs with ease.

The earth, covered in an icy lace,

fall left without a single trace,

the silver moon's gentle glow,

shadows lengthen, time moves slow.

Bare branches reach towards the sky,

so high, so high, I don't know why,

I like the earth I really do,

but I don't like some people that come with it too.

The essence of life by Eliana B

In stillness blooms the lotus,

A dance of breath, a silent focus 

Mindful steps on paths of truth,

Awakening the heart, eternal youth.

Embrace the present, let go of the past

A river of moments flowing so fast,

With compassion as our guiding light, 

We find peace in the quiet of the night.

Impermanence whispers in every breeze,

Silence in the everlasting leaves of the trees.