

A collection of poems written by 7L


My Family by Himani S 

In my heart, a love so deep,

For my family,I truly keep.

Each day I’m filled with joy and flee,

For when with my family,I’m always free. 

My mum,my dad a guiding light,

Their love surrounds me, day and night.

They teach me lessons, when I’m wrong,

Won’t stop going, till I’m strong.

Can’t forget my siblings, my partners in crime,

Together we laugh, together we climb.

Through thick and thin, we’re always there,

Love so strong, it’s beyond compare.

Together we create memories, so grand,

Hand in hand, we explore this land.

Through ups and downs, we stick together,

My family, my forever treasure.

So that’s my family, the ones I adore,

Their love fills my cup, forevermore. AtiAti

No matter what, they'll always be there,

As my family says, never hate, always care.

Iraq by Jenaan K

Iraq a place I love

A place that is always in my heart

But it got treated like it was nothing

People telling me is it safe to go?

Why are you even going?

Why I go is for a small pilgrimage called ziyarat,  for my type of muslims which are called shias I go to see gold shimmering domes on shrines  

When you enter the shrines you see the chandeliers glistening

To smell the hot, spicy chicken curry

That gets made on the streets 

  Iraq is a place that is filled with beauty and love.


I go there every summer

Iraq I place I love

That Night by Ivy B 

The sun is pulled down from its resting wing,

And the stars are dragged up by an invisible string,

They hang there: luminous, glittering, bright,

Begging me just to sleep that night.

It's impossible to listen to the stars,

This night isn’t for sleeping,

I knew that from the start,

Why should I sleep when I can dance?

The beds are a decoration, and the floor is for me.

Dancing is always my supernatural key.

The foxtrot, tap, ballet and jazz,

Whatever will make the night go past,

Modern, the watze, the cha-cha-cha,

The night will go just like the last.

Just like the last.

This happens every night.

And the urge in my feet,

Just won't sit tight.

If the stars try to stop it,

And I do too,

Nothing will happen.

Nothing can stop you.

Thank you by Ella W

Thank you for your love,

Thank you for your time.

I always feel better,

When your hand is in mine.

You have helped me through the good and bad,

You are always there when I am sad.

You are my best friend,

Until the very end.

So thank you mum for being here,

When I am with you I have no fear.

As your daughter I love you so,

Now hold my hand and don’t let go.

Eid by Eshal M


What is Eid?

Eid is like your Christmas

Your Diwali

Except it’s my favourite

After 30 days of 

Ongoing fasting

Waking up early

Going to my mosque

Putting up decorations

We need a break

A feast

A family reunion

A place to laugh

A place for hugs

That’s Eid

What is Eid?

 A time for gifts

A time to give to the poor

A time to celebrate


What is Eid?

Eid is like your Christmas

Your Diwali

Except it’s my favourite!

Me, myself and I by Naomi G

This is me. 

Me, Myself and I.

Naomi Christiana Graham.

A quarter German, a quarter Polish. 

A quarter Jamaican, a quarter English.

Nobody would ever know how it feels to be me.

Nobody would ever know.

And what about me?

What is it about me?

All the words… thwacking against my head…

All the words…. gnashing in my brain…

I’m unique, I’m unique, I said.

I’m worth more than diamonds, 

I’m enriched with importance, 

Being myself is the remedy to my life,

Being myself is the reason I’m alive.

But let me tell you.

And it’s nothing but true.

A courageous, young girl,

Who can’t help but twirl,

The list of hobbies I have is indescribably long;

It may even seem like a song,

But let me tell you. 

And it is nothing but true.

I’m head over heels in love with acting,

Writing stories, dancing, tennis,

Then we’ve got reading, history,

Don’t forget Harry Potter, who everyone said couldn’t help but totter,

All the words are seeping off my list… 

But oh, hear me, oh hear me, God gave me these gifts…

Nobody would ever know how it feels to be me. 

Nobody would ever know.

Family first.

God first.

This is me.

Me, Myself and I.

Naomi Christiana Graham.

Me by Maya M

Who am I?

What makes me, me?

I am Maya,

Maya Mistry.

Not M.y.a,

Not M.i.y.a,



I am of Indian descent,

Not from Mexico or Spain,

An extraordinary girl, 

With an ordinary name.

Small but mighty,

Sometimes a pain,

If there is fun to be had, 

I am always game.

Putting my hand up?,

I’m a tad bit shy,

Need to remind myself,

I can only try.

So that is me ,

I am Maya,

Maya Mistry.

My name is... by Mang M

I have been given a name,

But i have still suffered the pain,

Of the mispronunciation,

I could not speak but i could listen,

I heard people announce,

Mang, Ming sometimes Mong,

When i was young,

At first i thought nothing,

But the thing is, 

I could not speak out but i could listen,

It is not the hardest of all names,

But yet still,

They would say my name at their will,

A good girl i want to be,

Not to offend anybody,

I did not say much when nicknames came,

I walked with them like they were tame,

I do believe,

 I still receive new names to follow me ,

They are the things i can not flee,

Mang is my name

And Mang is me

A brief history of Ghana by Tamalia L-B

Ghana is where I am partly from,

It’s history rich like the soil this country was formed upon,

Part of Africa, land of gold as it is commonly called,

The history of this ancient land has me personally enthralled,

This poem to you, I am giving

a little piece of my history, so let me start from the beginning:

Before European colonists came to Africa and sliced it up,

It was divided into tribes, in villages, they were set up.

One of these is called Ashanti, that’s my family’s kingdom 

Now this tribe is thought to originate from the great Sudanic empires,

Who travelled across the country to set light to their very own fires.

Across the years, more and more start to flock like birds to scattered seed,

Such as the Akan, the Guan, Ewe and the Ga- Adagmes.

Fast forward to the 1500s other migrant tribes is not the only attention these empires attract,

European colonists coming to make this country broken to their own suiting, making it cracked.

The Dutch and Portuguese warring, building forts, on land that wasn’t theirs to build,

An example, Elmina Castle,where many native’s were killed,

Captured as slaves, their innocent blood was spilled.

More and more Europeans come to ‘trade’,

These thieves naming these regions on what they trade most,

Coast of Ivory, Gold Coast and the Grain Coast.

17th century, there’s more and more competition,

To own this gold rich land, who’s supplies were certainly not running thin,

But back to my tribe, by this point  in the 18 to 19 century, we were thriving,

Our armies were said to be able to produce troops of five hundred thousand.

With all other colonisers withdrawing,

The British were left to just themselves and their ways which were appalling.

In 1957, Ghana became free

It’s efforts led by the people, who I imagine at this news, were filled with glee.

Not even that big compared to most,

Ghana was the first African country to gain independence, 

the small country with the Golden coast.

The Sound of War by Wanizah A

It was the sound of ear-piercing gunfire and citizens SCREAMING in fear,

Mothers worried for their innocent children whilst SHREDDING their tears,

The two countries had started a DREADFUL war.

The once SMALL amount of dead body's at a graveyard was increasing more and more.

CHAOS and disruption spread across the two countries as they exposed their wrath,

They fought for their lives, killing everyone in their BRUTAL path

Soldiers had assembled and they fired their rifles, TARGETING the enemy,

They SPILLED the blood of one another whilst assassinating many,

A few decades later, the enemy surrendered for LITTLE of them were left,

Some celebrated and some CRIED for their loved ones who had experienced death,

To this day, many wars are currently happening, 

Innocents are dying and the enemy is WINNING.

My poem - Siu by Zoe S

My surname is Siu

When people think about ‘Siu’

They think; Ronaldo

Saying: ‘Siu’

Supposedly meaning yes in Portuguese.


Not ‘yes’ in Portuguese.

Sim is yes in Portuguese.

I know ‘sim’ is yes in Portuguese- 

(from a very kind Portuguese friend of mine)

Many people think the Chinese eat dogs.

That is untrue-

Who would eat hogs…?


Not Japanese

Not Malaysian 

Not a Korean K-pop star

Just a simple Chinese girl,

Wanting to live her own life to the fullest.

Who Am I? by Atiya R-D

I don't know who I am

But i know what I am

I am the sun I represent warmth and light 

Guiding my path through the darkest of nights 

I am a child of god I am smart and I am bright 

I am a shining the brightest beacon flashlight

I am Jamaican and I am Bajan  

I am exposed  to an education

I am eager, I have determination

 and I am a part of this crazy generation

I know what I wish to be 

                                   I wish to be a person full of love, grace and generosity 

I wish to be the person who will one day end poverty

I wish to be the answer to the world's curiosity

I wish to bring equality, maybe, just possibly 

                                         I wish to be the star in a sky full of darkness

I wish to overcome that saying of being “heartless”

I wish to be the blue stroke on a white blank canvas

 I wish to be the harmless in a circle full of problems

And for if i do not ever  find out who i am 

 to my future self keep persevering everyday

For if the whole world ignores me my pride won't fade away

And now for the satisfaction of knowing i played my part

The happiness within myself is where I find my heart.

Spain by Hailey M

Getting off a plane and feeling the

hot air slowly sink into my skin,

Gazing at the sea while it 

moves with the rhythm of the wind.

Vibrant flowers climbing fences and walls,

and people rushing to get fresh churros from stalls.

Sunsets on the beach, playing volleyball and tag,

Feeling the sinking sun cool the scorching sand

Strolling around with the only worry

that you may walk into a cat,

Sitting on the beach while the sky is 

pitch black. 

A warm summer night, eating delicious ice cream and 

watching the stars in the sky gleam,

Hearing heavy waves clash together,

wondering how a day could be any better.

My Family Members by Chloe D

The First and the oldest is my Father

He is funny and mean but in a good way 

He always walks with me to school

Next oldest is my Mother

She is the doctor and the healer in the family

She help me do some of my homework When i am struggling

In the middle of my family is my sister

She is the artist in the family

She always hides in her room

except when she must come out of her room

So she can eat some food and get her phone

The second youngest in the family is my brother

He is the one who loves to track planes all over the world

He loves to play hockey and ruby

Finally, there’s Me!

I am the youngest person in my family

I love dogs and to do cheerleading

I am love to help my dad in the garden And play games with him

I love my Family so much

They are my pride and joy 

My Pets by Amber M


Coco is a guinea pig 

He runs around the cage day and night 

He sleeps day and night 

And every morning before school 

He hungrily devours his delicious greens

And after loads of squeaking and begging 

He finally comes out of the cage 

And has a long sleep on someone 


Ginger is a guinea pig

He is known as the 


Big Fat Ginger! 

He eats all the time 

Every day, Every night 

Wherever you see him 

You will find his head in the food bowl

Every day, Every night

They race around the cage

 Every day, Every night 

And play 

And eat together 

And sleep together 

And snuggle up together 

May 10th

Is their birthday 

They are Guinea pigs 

They are Ginger and Coco!

A Friend by Jadesola A

It's nice to have a friend

Someone to be with, talk to and someone to care for

Our bond grew over the years until

We separated 

We detached 

We departed 

She was that friend who was a shoulder to lean on 

A helping hand when more than one is needed

This friendship to time

A friend is a true gift

It's nice to have a friend

My Kittens by Zaynah C

I have a friend

He's called Anakin

Not Anakin the star wars hero  

But Anakin my black kitten

He skids along the floor

Leaps of sofas

Very speedy never slow

Always chasing his brother

I have a friend

He's called Oreo

Not oreo the biscuit 

But Oreo my black and white kitten

He jumps on chairs

Very adventurous

Never lazy always busy

Always fighting his brother

I have two kittens

They are speedy

And will do anything for a treat

Always waiting to pounce

The Time Gobbler by Afiya J-D

I sat on my bed and watched the sky,

Turn from blue to black,

The stars flew up,

And the moon was high,

In an invisible rack.

Then the time gobbler came,

And gobbled up my time,

And left me with none to spare,

I came out of my trance and looked at the clock,

Saying” Oh no! That’s not fair!”

For when I had started,

Looking at the sky,

The time was 7:07,

But now I sat,

Wondering why,

The time was nearing 11!

So I said to myself,

If the time gobbler were to come,

I would surely trap him. 

I took a piece of string and a bag,

And started working on my contraption.

I waited a bit and sat on my bed,

Watching the sky turn from black to blue,

I wonder,

Will I catch the time gobbler?

I don’t know,

Do you?

Mum by Amy F


I'm lost without you 

You were my hero, my friend, my mum

How dare you leave me,

How dare you leave me to suffer, crying, waiting, 

For you to never return.



Some many sleepless nights,

Tossing and turning, 

filled with some much pain,

Drowning with sorrow.

That hole in my heart will forever be broken.

I miss you mum.

I miss you…


Blackerry the Hunter by Martha R

Hey! I see you over there 

doing absolutely nothing

Yes nothing! 

Just acting all idle on the sofa

Your charming black fur 

glistening in the sunlight which 

beams through the window

turning you a golden brown

You get fed, washed and loved.

Tell me cat, what do you do, all day?

Other than sleeping?  

I thought catsha

were intelligent majestic creatures 

that ruled their pridelands

Or at least the garden!

I guess I was wrong.

You may say I sound dramatic 

But when do you go outside?

I go to school 

I come home to find you where I left you!  

Yet you still manage to reward me 

with rats and mice, 

Taking away another creature's life for me!

A simple thank you 

with a nuzzle 

would be more than enough

Luckily no matter what you do, 

I still love you.

So move over and share

Your fuzzy pillow with with me

And explain

Why are you always so tired?