La Crosse Area Cru

Lives Changed by Jesus

We believe that the gospel, the good news about who Jesus is and what He has done, has the power to heal, restore, and renew our lives. 

Our desire is to see as many students as possible have a chance to experience Jesus and be transformed by Him. 

A Caring Community

We are a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. We care deeply about one another and are excited about helping others know Him.  

At Cru you’ll find opportunities to grow in your faith and to make a difference for Christ on campus and around the world.  You’ll find people striving to reflect the love and grace they have experienced through Christ. You won’t find people who are perfect – just passionate about Jesus and following Him.

A Heart for Campus & the World

We believe that everyone is on a spiritual journey and that God desires to use us in the lives of those around us.  La Crosse Area Cru wants to be a spiritual resource for every student and faculty in the Coulee Region and to provide experience and training for students to be a light for Jesus wherever they are. 

We hope that a student's time in Cru launches them into a lifetime of walking with Jesus and making an impact for him beyond college. 

Bible Studies & Weekly Gathering

Bible Studies

In Cru Bible Studies you’ll find a caring group of people who talk about life, faith, and God, explore and learn from the Bible, make memories, and walk through college life together.  

Wherever you are spiritually: interested, skeptical, looking for Christian community or just something new, we hope you’ll check one of our Bible Studies out. 

Tuesdays & Wednesdays at UWL, WTC, Viterbo & Rochester 

Topic for Spring 2025: TBD

Thursday Cru

"Cru," as everyone just calls our large group gathering, happens Thursday evenings in Graff 260 on the UWL campus. 

We have emcees who host the meeting, students who share real and honest stories, practical Bible teaching from one of the Cru staff, and  live music from our Cru band.  We have a good time, laugh a lot, and think deeply about God, our lives, and the world around us.  Everyone’s invited – bring ALL of your friends!

Thursdays @ 7pm in Cleary, Great Hall  - UWL Campus

Topic for Spring 2025: "The Parables of Jesus"

La Crosse Area Cru crosses campuses, cultures, state lines and oceans to make disciples who make disciples.

La Crosse Area Cru

La Crosse Area Cru is an inter-denominational Christian group made up of 300+ students from the colleges & universities in the La Crosse Area.

We currently have an active presence at 4 schools: UWL, Viterbo, WTC and Rochester Area campuses. 

We consider our local scope of ministry to be a 75-mile radius around La Crosse that includes over 40,000 students and faculty on 20 campuses.

Follow us @laxcru or email us below
