Ops During

Fall Retreat

Familiarize yourself with these task before the week of your event. Each uses resources you set up BEFORE.


We are going to use the ERT registrations to determine the housing needs by capacity and gender.

Create a housing roster using this information.

Use the housing roster to assign people to a room if you plan on assigning.

Room Assignments vs Selection

Depending on your situation, you'll need to choose between assigning students to their beds/rooms, or just let them pick where they’ll be sleeping. There are positives and negatives to each.

  • Assignment is helpful to ensure new students room with friends and allows you to strategically place student leaders, but it require a bit more pre-work and will likely require adjustment onsite.
  • Selection is simpler on your end because everyone just finds their own space. It can be more intimidating for a new student trying to find their spot, especially if they get there late and they have to go hunting for an open bed.

The type of housing will likely influence which you choose.


    • Ex: 4 students per Room
    • Assignment is preferred.
    • Putting the people who ride together in the same room helps with check-in.
    • Staff would stay in their own rooms.


    • Ex: 10-15 students per cabin
    • Assignment or Selection can both work well
    • Staff w/o kids could stay in the cabins.


    • Ex: 2 dorms (1 for Girls, 1 for Boys) each with space for 50.
    • Selection is preferred
    • Staff w/o kids could stay in the dorms.

On Site Registration


    • The ERT makes check-in pretty easy. Check out the ERT Instructions as well as how to Setup Your Registration.
    • Under Construction (in the meantime email fieldfinance@cru.org for answers to the below topics)
      • Handle cash, checks, and credit card information with care.
      • Help! We don't have Wifi! How do we accept credit card payments on site?


A retreat starts when people get in the car. The ride can make the difference in whether a new student feel welcomed or like an outsider before they even get there.


If you included questions in your ERT about driving and available seats then you just need to do some matching. If you didn't then print out the registration list and start texting people. Ask if they're driving or need a ride and start matching people up. This will also be a good additional touch point for a new student to communicate you care about them being there.

Empower some upcoming students leaders to run with either of these methods.


Review the budget and communicate with those who need to spend money.

  • Remind what they're responsible for purchasing.
  • Specify their total budget for these purchases
  • Clarify the process for purchasing; using the MinistryCard is preferred.
  • Update them on total attendance if this affects their purchase quantities or budget.

Risk Management


On-site make sure that all participants have completed the necessary Liability Release Forms.

    1. Did they complete it? Review the email copies of the signed releases that the Liability Release Creator received. To learn more, review Liability Release Information
    2. If the participant did not complete it, have a computer present at registration that they can use to fill it out, or direct students to the Liability Release link and have them complete it on their personal device.


If an accident occurs during the event, see what to do on Risk Management's General Liability page.


Email: risk.management@cru.org

Check out the Risk Management resources guide.

Next check out what to do for Operations AFTER the your retreat.