Who are you impacting?

Student Stories

The following are stories from Houston students who have been a part of a Cru movement:


I really like Cru; all the leaders I have met are nice and love people as Jesus does. They’re a great example to follow. I recommend getting involved as much as you can. Having people to give you Godly advice is much needed in this world.


Cru has been a way for me to have fellowship. It was the first time in public high school I personally saw and heard my peers and teachers openly talk about God and His Word. I realized that even though my lack of sociability made me anxious, I needed and wanted to be around my brothers and learn about the truth. I am greatly humbled by my experience and wish I would have joined sooner.


I was a student leader in Cru and one of the founding members of the club at my school. It has been a fun ride, and I’m glad for the lessons I have learned, the people I have met, and the studies I have taught to others.

Anyone who wants to join Cru I would say to use what you will learn throughout your life because it will come in handy!


I wasn’t in CRU very long, but in my time, I had a great experience. I not only learned more about God, but I learned how to spread what I learned to people who were uninformed.

If there were anything I could say to others considering Cru, it would be to keep your faith with you. Find like-minded people and groups you can grow with and stay close to those people.


My experience with Cru was truly one I am really grateful for. It gave me the opportunity to connect with other Christians my age. Being able to talk with them and relate on so many levels was truly an honor. Being able to receive guidance and leadership from our leader was something I will forever be grateful for and will be in my heart forever.


My Cru experience has been crazy but great. We had just started getting into a groove when Covid hit, but God still worked through all of that. I’ve had so many opportunities in sharing my faith through Cru, which I am so grateful for.

My advice to others in Cru, is to always seek to impact the lives of those around you.


Starting in sophomore year, God used me to start Cru at my school. Though it was challenging to organize tasks and keep the energy up, God still found a way to work. Though I struggled with all manners of things like coming up with Bible study topics and the friction between the popularity of the club versus whether God was pleased, God was merciful and provided

The most important thing is to keep your relationship with Jesus strong. Honor God, and be bold in your actions. Rely on His strength rather than your own.


At first, freshman year, a staff, invited me to be a leader; I didn’t want to do it, but finally, after sophomore year I chose to be a leader. I felt God calling me to pray for my campus and to lead, so I obeyed. The obedience that I had in that moment changed the trajectory of my faith in some ways. For the first time, I learned how to lead Bible studies and I ended up loving teaching. There are many more experiences where I have grown in my faith, but this is one of them.

When you hear God calling you to do something, do it. You'll never regret it. Obedience can go a long way and makes you have a more filled, joyful life.


My experience with Cru has been so uplifting. It was always a great way to connect with like-minded people and help encourage one another using God's scripture. Some advice that I will give is to reach out and connect with others. Don't isolate yourself, rather expand your network of people that you know.

Community Stories

The following are stories from Houston community leaders who partner with our Cru movements:

Matthew Emerson

Youth Pastor at North Central Church

Thank you to Cru Ministries. It has been such a blessing to my life and our youth ministry. I have been praying for a long time to reach the campuses around our church; it has been said that if you want to reach a campus, you have to be on campus. I have tried to get in for a long time but was unsuccessful. But God is so good, and He knew exactly who to partner us up with. And at just the right season, God orchestrated meeting somebody from Cru through unbelievable circumstances. We sat down and talked, and they shared the vision of wanting to reach schools and get students plugged in and discipled in churches, and I was on board completely.

Since that day, I have been able to use Cru as a vehicle to help me get on campus. They do the heavy lifting, and then I am able to come in and share. Now we have students coming to our church and getting involved in our youth ministry, all because Cru helped me get on. And that is what it is all about connecting and discipling students. Thank you to Cru for partnering with somebody like us and helping us impact schools all around our area.

Glen Taylor

Local high school teacher & Cru Sponsor

Cru has been a vital part of our high school community for the past several years. It has provided a base of ministry where students can fellowship together in the midst of school as well as being encouraged to reach out to their peers. It has been awesome to see how various church denominations come together in ministry on campus. Personally, Cru has given me the opportunity to share my beliefs when asked why I participate.

Patsy Monta

Local high school teacher & Cru Sponsor

Cru is a bright spot in my day as a high school teacher. It warms my soul and restores my faith to see kids choose to come to school early to study the Bible. Their strong faith at such a young age in this culture is inspiring.

Community Leader

Isaac Cuevas


I initially joined Cru with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. My first exposure to Cru was when Cru and another on-campus ministry merged for an after-school meeting. I noticed Cru wanted to share the Gospel with all students on campus. The teachings were Christ-centered, and Cru welcomed all students. I met Yaneth, a Cru staff, and we immediately clicked through our first faith conversations. Through the years, I have served alongside her and watched others come to Christ in the process. After graduating high school, I wanted to be a part of growing the Kingdom, so I began volunteering with Cru. I have been serving for a few years. Still, recently I chose to join Cru as an apprentice to gain a deeper relationship with the students I minister to and to do what I can to disciple and prepare their hearts to go out into the world and be ambassadors of His Name.