Book Club Schedule

The schedule below provides middle & high school students at varying age levels time to participate. Start times are just suggestions; you can join us at any time. You can absolutely read ahead but content will be added each week in the activities/assignment section. The discussion boards can be added to throughout the book club schedule. Products to be considered for posting to the site will need to be turned in by the due dates. Have fun and enjoy RUR!!

Week 1: The Robots

Suggested Start Date: Monday, April 6th

Reading: RUR Act 1

Products Due: Friday, April 10th

Week 2: The Factory

Suggested Start Date: Monday, April 13th

Reading: RUR Act 2 - Beginning to page 54

Products Due: Friday, April 17th

Week 3:

Suggested Start Date: Monday, April 20th

Reading: RUR Act 2 - page 54 to end of Act 2

Products Due: Friday, April 24th

Week 4:

Suggested Start Date: Monday, April 27th

Reading: RUR Act 3 - Beginning to page 72

Products Due: Friday, May 1st

Week 5:

Suggested Start Date: Monday, May 4th

Reading: RUR Act 3 - page 72 to end of Act 3

Products Due: Friday, May 8th

Week 6:

Suggested Start Date: Monday, May 11th

Reading: RUR the Epilogue

Products Due: Friday, May 15th