The Great Ideas Club

Adviser(s): Mrs. DeMarco

Student Leader: Shirelle Ben-Shahar

Meeting Day/Time:  Every two/three weeks, either Tuesday or Thursday (depending on Mrs. DeMarco)

Description:  Members of the club discuss "great ideas" (justice, honesty, love, friendship, ren, etc.) through the lens of influential works from different cultures (films, novels, poems, plays, short stories, etc.). 

The Great Ideas Club is rooted in the Great Books movement with the aim of cultivating philosophical thinking through the study of influential texts. But while the Great Books movement traditionally focuses on the classical texts of the western world, The Great Ideas club expands this scope by embracing diversity and inclusion. 

The Great Ideas club will allow students to hone their critical thinking skills and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and of their environment. By exploring seminal works from different cultures–novels, short stories, films, plays, and essays–club members will examine the conceptual building blocks of the world in which they live and will become well rounded thinkers.

Google Classroom: ggqpcg3