
Welcome to the Publications section of the SLOW SUMER Project. Here, you'll find a collection of our latest and most significant research outcomes, produced by our interdisciplinary team. 


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Licia Romano - Giulia Festa,  SLOW SUMER. Repair, Reuse and Recycling and Southern Mesopotamian Society in the Changing World of 2500-2000 BC. Proceeding s of the 13th ICAANE

Società umane e mondo vegetale

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L. Romano, A. Celant, M.A. Tafuri, F. D’Agostino

The Lifecycle of the Giant Reed: Exploring Human–Plant Interactions in Sumer Through Abu Tbeirah Evidence (3rd Mill. BC, Nasiriyah, Iraq), Atti del convegno "Società umane e mondo vegetale nel Vicino Oriente antico. Pratiche, saperi, simboli",  wEDGE. Cutting-Edge Research in Cuneiform Studies