Ableism Quiz

When someone says the word ableism, can you think of situations you have seen in your community?

Are you aware of what ableism looks like at church, at school, or at work?

Take this quiz to learn more about ableism.

1. Hymns and liturgies regularly equate disabilities such as blindness and deafness with sin, and Christians have told individuals their disability is a result of sin in their life.

True or False

2. Families of children with atypical, disability-related behaviors are often asked to leave and find a church that better meets their needs.

True or False

3. Individuals who were taught ableist beliefs as children usually grow out of them.

True or False

4. In the social model of disability, individuals with disabilities have deficits that need fixing.

True or False

5. Ableist beliefs and behaviors don’t raise red flags because they’re woven into the fabric of everyday life and simply accepted as the norm.

True or False

6. Many disabled people have been led to believe that their lives are not worth living.

True or False

7. People with disabilities are not ableist toward other disabled people.

True or False

Quiz answers:

1) True. 2) True.

3) False—people may retain ableist beliefs they were taught as children unless challenged by exposure or education.

4) False—the medical model of disability tries to fix the individual; the social model says we ourselves create most barriers to participation.

5) True. 6) True.

7) False—unless they’ve worked hard not to be, disabled people can be just as ableist as anyone.