
6th Grade Band

Sixth Grade band is split into two classes based upon the instrument that you are assigned/chose to play.    In beginning band students learn to produce an appropriate sound on their instrument with proper technique.  In beginning band students are also introduced to rhythms in common time and the expressive elements of music. They begin learning how to improvise and arrange music while learning how use perceptual (listening) skills to analyze and think about the music they are creating.  Students analyze examples of music using appropriate terminology and begin learning how to evaluate performances and musical ideas, and apply this process to their own performing. They relate music to all other core content areas including geography, history, and world civilizations.  Students in the beginning band are taught the health and wellness issues that directly relate to musicians such as caring for their instrument properly, and how to keep themselves healthy by not sharing instruments/supplies. 

7th Grade Band

Seventh grade band students are assigned to one of two ensembles based upon their performance skills at the end of sixth grade.  Students in the Seventh Grade Band have demonstrated that they are able to produce a characteristic sound on their instrument and are able to model the use of fundamental techniques. Both ensembles are expected to begin using expressive elements in their music and identify these musical elements.  Students learn to follow a conductor and continue to grow in their ability to analyze musical examples from a variety of genres, styles, and cultures.  Students evaluate their own performances and that of others for quality and effectiveness. Music in relationship to other areas is expanded and students are introduced to the function that music serves in our community and around the world.  Students in the Seventh Grade Concert Band will compete at MPA in the spring and our spring band trip. 

8th Grade Band

Students in the Eighth Grade Band are are assigned to one of two classes based on their instrument. Students are expected to perform at a level of proficiency on their instrument individually and collaboratively while demonstrating characteristic tone and consistent pitch, on a variety of music.  They are expected to model and guide their peers in demonstrating fundamental techniques, expressive elements, technical accuracy and both common and duple time signatures.  Students are expected to use appropriate musical terminology when analyzing and evaluating performances and a variety of music, using the principles of music including rhythm, tonality, intervals, chords, and harmonic progressions, balance, blend, intonation, etc. They should understand the beginnings of compositional structure using 21st century technology.  The Eighth Grade band students take a focus on the role of music in North Carolina and the United States, making connections between music and concepts from around the world. They also are taught the key laws and principles behind the access, use, and protection of music. 

All County Band
Students in 7th and 8th grade band have the opportunity to participate in the Craven All County Band.  Students that are selected have either auditioned/qualified for the Eastern District Honors Band or have been selected by their director.   This honor band will meet in the Fall and students will prepare for a concert after 1.5 days of rehearsal.  More information will be posted in class.

All District Band
Students in 7th and 8th grade band have the opportunity to audition for the Eastern District Honors Band.  This audition takes place in January and music that students prepare are scales, a solo and prepare for sight-reading prep. Click here for a link to the solos for your instrument and scales.  This honor band will meet in the Spring and students will prepare for a concert after 1.5 days of rehearsal.  More information will be posted in class.

All State Band
Students in 7th and 8th grade that have auditioned and made Eastern District Honors Band and scored high enough to qualify for all state,  have the opportunity to audition for All State Honors Band.  This audition takes place in the spring and music that students prepare are scales, a solo and prepare for sight-reading prep. Click here for a link to the solos for your instrument and scales.  These are the same solos and scales used for all district band auditions.  This honor band will meet in the Spring and students will prepare for a concert after 2 days of rehearsal.  More information will be posted in class.

Jazz Band
The jazz band is open to all 7th and 8th grade band students who want to learn how to play jazz music.  More information will be provided once we select rehearsal times and dates.

Pep Band
The pep band is open to all 7th and 8th grade band students who want to perform for home football games.  More information will be provided once we select times and dates.

Military Child Honor Band
Students in 7th and 8th grade band have the opportunity to be selected for the NC Military Child Honor Band in Eastern North Carolina.  This honor band will meet in April and students will prepare for a concert after 1.5 days of rehearsal.  More information will be posted in class.

Music Performance Adjudication Band (MPA)
This is our state band assessment where our 7th and 8th grade band students prepare to be adjudicated as an ensemble.  This will take place in March.

Solo & Small Ensemble Groups
This is our state band assessment for soloist and small groups where our 6th, 7th and 8th grade band students prepare to be adjudicated.  This will take place in May.