i-Ready: Personalized Instruction

This page includes information about i-Ready Personalized Instruction. 

For information about the i-Ready Diagnostic Screener, click here.

i-Ready Family Center (3-8)

The i-Ready Family Center is the place to learn how you can support and encourage your student’s success with i-Ready. 

i-Ready Personalized Instruction (3-8)

iReady Personalized Instruction is an online math & reading program that 3-8th grade students can access during and beyond school hours (at home, during after school programs, over vacations, when absent). The program accelerates students' learning by creating a unique sequence of personalized lessons based on each student's diagnostic data. 

Students who do not have access to home-technology can receive a loaner Chromebook for the year. Reach out to your school's family liaison for details and support.

Recommended (Out-Of-School) Weekly Minutes:

Grades K-2 (Boost Reading):  30-45 mins. each week (10-15 mins. / day x 3)

Grades 3-5  (Either Program): 45-60 mins. each week (15-20 mins. / day x 3)

Grades 6-8  (i-Ready): 80 mins. each week (20 mins. / day x 4)

Grades 9-12  (i-Ready): 80 mins. each week (20 mins. / day x 4)

Video: The Benefits of i-Ready Personalized Instruction

Create a Home Schedule That Works For You!

Developing a consistent schedule for program usage is highly recommended. 

i-Ready Personalized Instruction: Caregiver FAQ

What Are Personalized i-Ready Lessons Like?

Each lesson is designed to be:

When Do Students Use Personalized Instruction?

How Many Minutes Should Students Spend In The Program?

40-50 minutes in each subject, per week. (45 math + 45 ELA). It is not recommended that students exceed these minutes. Recommended: 4 days per week for 20-25 minutes each day.

How Do Students Login To/Access Personalized Instruction?

How Do Students & Caregivers View Scores & Progress In the Platform?

What if My Student Needs a Chromebook at Home? 

What if a student needs internet support at home?

What does it mean if my student logs in to access Personalized Instruction and they see a message "you have no work assigned or your assessment may be hidden?"

Where Can I Find More Information About i-Ready?

Have other questions? Reach out to your child’s teacher or family liaison!