Criminal Justice: Human Rights

Research Question: Why do human rights violations occur?

Day 1 Goals:

  • Identify the topic of your research (human rights violation + location)
  • Set up a project in Noodle Tools and cite credible sources

Day 2 Goals:

  • Locate credible sources and cite them in Noodle Tools.
  • Take notes in Noodle Tools that help answer your research question.

Know Your Sources! The Leaning Tower of Bias

Locate Sources

Recommended Databases

Recommended Websites

Take Notes

    • Step 1: What are human rights? What are human rights? Why are they important?
    • Step 2: The Articles. Identify the specific articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that focus on the Human Rights violation you are studying.
    • Step 3: Documents. Locate documents in the library's recommended databases and websites on your topic. On your tri-fold board, you will include a summary and analysis of each article. The analysis should answer the following questions:
        • What is the history behind this human rights violation?
        • How did it happen?
        • Why did it happen (causes)?
        • What are the contributing factors?
        • "So what?" What is the significance of this human rights violation? Why does this information matter?
    • Step 4: Violation (See Human Right Violation Project Overview for further explanation of Step 4)
    • Step 5: What can be done? Steps taken or being taken to eradicate this violation and/information to get involved. Actions governments or organizations have taken or put in place to eradicate/help solve the violation (legislation, programs, etc.)
    • Step 6: Visuals. Pictures, maps of the region of focus, and process for change/remedy/info to get involved. Cite all visuals.
    • Step 7: Citations. Cite ALL sources, including visuals and graphs. Your tri-fold board should have a Works Cited list and in-text citations.
    • Step 8: Presentation. Be prepared as a group to present your project before your peers.

Day 3 Goals:

  • Continue to locate credible sources, including images, and cite them in Noodle Tools.
  • Continue to take notes in Noodle Tools.
  • Create a poster outline.