Dear future Creative Design 1 student,

Welcome to the RSTA design community, I am happy that you chose to learn design with us. In this class you will learn about the design process. This includes each of the steps of creating, brainstorming, sketching, work practices, and critiques. All of this will be focused through the Adobe software, Illustrator. Adobe products are industry standard programs that are used by professional designers all around the world. While this may seem like a daunting task at first, it is important to know that Ms Max and any other Teacher’s Assistants will be there with you every step of the way. Pushing through in order to fully understand these principles will set you on your way to becoming a great designer.

I, as a former TA and student, understand the importance of asking questions. Through my time as a student in level 1, I was constantly asking “How does this tool work,” “How can I make this better,” “What should I improve?” These driving wondering questions propelled me to take charge of my own learning rather than simply being stuck. I have seen many students who were stagnant and confused with software or ideas, who never reached out to a classmate or to Ms Max. As the class progressed, they only became more behind in their understanding and hurt themselves in the long run. This is why communication in Creative Design is so crucial; as long as you seek out support this class will be a wonderful experience.

Throughout the year you will be completing a majority of self paced work designed to further develop your knowledge of Adobe Illustrator. By allowing yourself to manage your own deadlines and progress, the class supports those of all different learning styles and speeds. This model also works extremely well in preparing you for real life design work where it is often up to you, the designer, to manage your own time.

If you're feeling at all overwhelmed, simply reach out to your teacher Ms Max. Ms Max is one of the most supportive and caring teachers that I have ever had. She genuinely cares about every student who crosses her path so do not be afraid to talk with her, in person or over email, about assisting in your learning. Her curriculum has been tried, tested, and tweaked over the years into a streamlined workflow. While it can feel fast paced and difficult to some, I promise the skills that you gain from it and the supportive environment will make it all worthwhile.

James Blanc - Class of 2024