Leadership Development

Leaders play a critical role in driving higher levels of employee satisfaction, retention, and engagement. Our team is committed to providing strong training to leaders across the organization, ensuring leaders are carefully selected and prepared for increasing levels of responsibility, and that leadership transitions are seamless as a result of training and succession planning.

CPS Leadership Development Supports

Click the icon for more information!

Teacher Leadership Learning Series

We are excited to announce that the first Teacher Leadership Learning Series will be launched in August of 2020 for teachers who are currently serving in leadership roles throughout the district!

The workshops are aligned to the Ohio Teacher Leadership Framework and they provide the opportunity for teacher leaders to personally grow and develop so that they can support their teams and school communities effectively. If you are a teacher serving in a leadership role for the 2020-2021 school year please mark your calendars for the first set of learning opportunities:

CPS 101 will be offered in September. A specific date and time will be announced once there is more clarity around the start of the school year. In this workshop, participants will learn more about the organization of our district, what supports are available for teacher leaders and teams, and how to access those supports.

Coaching Your Peers - What Does that Look Like? will be offered on October 22nd from 4:00-6:00 p.m. virtually. Participants will learn how to differentiate between coaching and providing feedback, and determine when each is needed. Participants will engage in scenario-based role plays to practice learnings.

Building Trust will be offered on November 14th from 10:00-11:30 a.m. virtually. Trust affects the trajectory and outcome of teams. By utilizing Stephen Covey’s, The Speed of Trust, participants can explore the importance of Self Trust, Relationship Trust, Stakeholder Trust and Inspiring Trust.

Encouraging Self Care will be offered on January 14th from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. virtually. Throughout the first semester, tools and resources for self care will be shared to all teacher leaders. In the January session, participants will learn practical tips and resources to increase well-being and effectiveness as a teacher leader through various physical, mental and emotional self-care techniques.

Please see this flyer and for additional information regarding registration, contact hours and connection information for the virtual sessions.

Crucial Conversations 20-21.pdf

Crucial Conversations Workshops support the clear and candid communication necessary for participants to meet goals and improve the culture of team dynamics. Participants will begin to surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, and act on decisions with unity and commitment. This training experience introduces a set of tools that builds alignment, agreement, and interpersonal communication. Crucial Conversations Training infuses interactive extensive in-class practice, group participation, and personal reflection as you explore and master these crucial skills.

The POWER of the 1-1 20-21.pdf

The Power of the 1:1 explains how to "own" your 1:1 meetings to develop personal connections, elicit/provide support, establish transparent communication, and ensure alignment and prioritization of tasks and goals. Participants will leave the training with a sample tool and a guide to engaging in engaging, productive 1:1's.

This workshop is appropriate for supervisors OR for direct reports.

CPS Lean In Circles are a place where women can be unapologetically ambitious, give voice to their dreams and get the push needed to start chasing them. Participants are small groups of women who meet regularly to learn new skills, network and encourage each other. Women may be focused on working towards a promotion, building confidence, starting a new project, or focusing on self-care...whatever the goal, CPS Lean In Circles provide the space and support needed to achieve those goals.

Daring to Lead Study is a collection of four skill sets that are 100% teachable.Through an interactive workshop that requires brave work and tough conversations from participants, we will utilize Dare to Lead by Brene Brown, and other resources on courageous leadership, to develop and apply strategies to increase your leadership capacity.

DiSC Workshop focuses on developing greater self-awareness and stronger people skills as individuals connected to other teams. Throughout the workshop, participants will discover the four personality/communication styles and how the styles blend, clash and interact with others. Participants will identify their own style, and participate in individual and group activities to learn how to communicate more effectively by appreciating the unique strengths and differences of others. As a result of this training, participants will become stronger leaders, communicators, and team members equipped with concrete actions to improve collaboration. CPS Talent Development offers follow up supports and integration of DiSC team-building activities for teams or departments that participate in this training together.

DiSC Follow Up Toolkit for Leaders

Once teams have taken the DiSC Workshop, a variety of resources are available to reinforce the learning. The toolkit contains:

  • Planning form to utilize when conferencing with the Leadership Development Manager for follow-up training and supports. (not included in the toolkit)

  • Opening Prompts to use for 5-10 minute team builders at the beginning of meetings.

  • Ice-Breakers to utilize during longer retreats or meetings.

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Workshops are based on the simple yet powerful model presented by management consultant and best-selling author Patrick Lencioni in his book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. In this very interactive workshop, you and your team will learn practical information and strategies that you can put to use immediately and apply on an ongoing basis to help your company become more productive and cohesive. Entire teams can participate in this workshop, or there is a workshop specifically for the formal leaders of the team.

Personal Growth Coaching: The Leadership Manager and Career Growth Specialist of the Talent Development Department, with the support of cadre of coaches, will provide personal growth development coaching. Participants will meet one-on-one with a coach to identify areas of strength and opportunities of development, focus areas of interest and development, short and long term professional goals, and action steps to meet those goals. Participants will coordinate with their coach to identify accountability partners and supports to accomplish the identified action steps.

Distributed Leadership and Collaboration Workshop: This workshop allows individual contributors to share their expertise and create a collective responsibility for improving student learning. This workshop consists of three models to ensure that teams understand the why, what and how of Instructional Leadership Teams.

Better Conversations Workshop utilizes the work of Instructional Coach, Jim Knight’s Better Conversations. Participants in this workshop will learn how to self-reflect and help each other to become better communicators, listen with empathy, find common ground and build trust.

School/Team/Department Specific: Our department is here to support you in designing training and development that best meets the needs of your team – our supports are not limited to this list! We can meet with you to discuss leadership development and career pathway training needs for your team, department or school and co-design a program that best meets your needs.

For more information on our Leadership & Development Supports, please contact Jenny Mauch at mauchje@cpsboe.k12.oh.us