About Us

Create. Collaborate. Serve.

Cabot Theatre was born out of years of tradition, creativity, and the relentless pursuit of raw and real theatre. While our origins trace all the way back to legends like Jane Balgavy and Gwen Brooks, 'Cabot Theatre' as it is known now did not first find its establishment until the fall of 2021 when former teacher Melani Blansett came back home to Cabot Theatre joining her former student Liz Yielding and Liz's former student teacher Courtney Shepard to form the directing team you now know and love. From mentors and mentees to now colleagues and friends, Melani, Courtney, and Liz began their work together to recreate a program for their students to thrive. Along with their production team members Ben Brockinton, Olivia McAlister, and Maggie Ashburn, they believe at the core of their work are three verbs: create, collaborate, and serve.


The simplest goal of any artist is to create. At Cabot Theatre, we as directors hope to create safe classrooms that encourage our students to be themselves, discover their passions, and give them permission to fail. We work to create opportunities for them to shine in whatever skill they possess and to put that skill to immediate work. We push them to create works of art that move our audiences to laughter, tears, discomfort, and amazement. Our students learn new and exciting ways to build their creativity and then how to utilize it for the world.


At the heart of any theater is collaboration and ours is no different. From the moment they step in our rooms, we are working toward complete collaboration. Without collaboration, the production falls apart. We believe that the invaluable skill of working together will make them successful not only within our theater's walls but outside them as well. We aim to make them not only productive members of our department but of society.


Lastly, we have service. We believe that service to others is the highest way to honor and love others. In our department, we strive to instill in our students servant hearts who are always considering others first and putting their classmates above themselves. We lead our students into service by first serving them.

It is our goal as directors of Cabot Theatre to love every member who comes to us and to build them up. We believe in training them for the stage but also for the world. We strive to send them out better people than when they walked in. Welcome home, we can't wait for the hard and holy work to get started.

Cabot Theatre Core Values

We believe in honoring CT by being a strength and not a weakness.

We believe in being patient through the process.

We believe in showing respect to our peers by always being on time and ready to work.

We believe in handling the property of the theatre with care; a theatre is a sacred space and we will respect it.

We believe in inspiring the audience to respect us and our craft through graciousness in accepting both praise and criticism.

We believe in respecting all members of CT and not engaging in any hurtful or belittling behaviors.

We believe in accepting instruction and direction in the spirit it is intended. We understand that we play a role in a bigger picture, so things might be clear to my directors that are not clear to me.

We believe in taking ownership of our own responsibilities and executing them to the best of our abilities.

We believe in foregoing the gratification of our own egos for the good of the ensemble.

We believe in refraining from contaminating CT with toxicity from our personal lives.

We believe in taking care of the things we care about.

We believe that because we care about CT, we will take care of everyone in it including ourselves.

Meet the Production Team

Melani Morgan Blansett, Artistic Director

Courtney Shepard, Technical Director

Liz Mae Yielding, Operations Director

Ben Brockinton, Music Director

Olivia McAlister, Choreographer

Maggie Ashburn, Vocal Coach