Certification Levels

Supportive Schools Certifications appear on all Chicago Public Schools School Report Cards. Read on to learn more about what each certification level represents and the requirements schools must meet to earn each level of designation.

Supportive Schools Certification Levels


This school has begun developing systems to support social and emotional learning (SEL). The school reports that they have embraced SEL as part of their vision, have developed a plan to address climate and SEL development priorities, and are beginning to adopt best practices to create a learning environment that supports SEL for all students.

Requirements: Report the above criteria on the School Excellence Framework or School Climate Self-Assessment (Charters only) AND submit a Continuous Improvement Plan (CIWP or other) for School Climate and SEL.


This school has shown evidence of a clear commitment to social and emotional learning (SEL) and schoolwide systems that foster a supportive environment. The school demonstrates that they have established at least five of the following: SEL in their school's continuous improvement plan; universal SEL-related student data collection; team(s) to support SEL across Tiers 1-3 , partnerships with community organizations; protection and prioritization SEL instruction in every student's schedule; SEL-related training for staff; schoolwide norms, values, or expectations; targeted and intensive SEL interventions for students who need additional support.

Requirements: Complete the School Excellence Framework or School Climate Self Assessment, submit a Continuous Improvement Plan (CIWP or other) for School Climate and SEL, AND provide required evidence for 5 of the 8 indicators listed above.


This school has demonstrated a strong commitment to social and emotional learning (SEL) and robust systems that ensure a supportive learning environment for all students. The school is implementing best practices to promote SEL for all students, meets all of the indicators listed under Established, and the environment is highly consistent with all areas of the CPS School Climate Standards.

Requirements: Complete the School Excellence Framework or School Climate Self Assessment, submit a Continuous Improvement Plan (CIWP or other) for School Climate and SEL, provide required evidence for 8 of the 8 indicators listed above, AND host a half-day site site visit demonstrating that the school meets all of the CPS School Climate Standards.

Levels of Distinction SSC.mp4

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Supportive Schools SY20 Schools Status