ODLSS parent support

The Office of Diverse Learner Supports and Services Parent/Guardian HELPLINE!

The ODLSS Parent Involvement Specialist Team is excited to announce a NEW way that parents/guardians can attain additional support. Introducing: The ODLSS Parent/Guardian HELPLINE!

Parents can now contact ODLSS directly, and get a SAME DAY RESPONSE - right when you need it most.

Here are just a few of the ways we can assist you:

  • Provide support by attending IEP/504 virtual meetings

  • Connect you with your District Representative

  • Facilitate ODLSS online Parent University training's

  • Assist you with conversing with School Leadership

  • Connect you with ODLSS/CPS resources & support

Just call (773) 553-1840 Monday - Thursday between 9-5 p.m. Leave us a message, and you will receive a call back before the end of the business day. It's just that simple!

Please know that we will continue to support families online during regular business hours, Monday-Friday at odlssparentsupport@cps.edu.