Little Italy University Village

Jonathan Lopez, Natasha Reyes

Little Italy Festival

Well-Known Lemonade Stand

Little Italy Neighborhood View

Crime Rate

The Little Italy neighborhood is significantly safer than other neighborhoods in Chicago, and what crime there is tends to be petty property damage and theft. Annually there are on average 1,238 crimes per 100,000 people on the Near West Side, compared to 3,099 nationally, a 60 percent difference. 


The schools that are in that neighborhood are Payton College, Preparatory High School, North side College Preparatory High School, and Whitney M. Young Magnet High School.

The parks that are in that neighborhood are Arrigo (Victor) Park, Garibaldi (Giuseppe) Park, and Joe DI Maggio Park.

Store/ Restaurants

The grocery stores that are in Little Italy are Market Fresh Books, Urban Renew, and The Bottomline Boutique. The most popular restaurants in this neighborhood are Chicago Chop House, The Rosebud, and Sweet Maple Cafe.


 The rent for this apartment is $1,010/month. The apartment has this really nice vibe to it. Half of the walls in the apartment are white. There are 5 rooms with 3 beds and it is 137 Sq Ft. There are a few amenities in the apartment they provide a dishwasher, a microwave, a refrigerator, and a washer/ dryer in unit. There is also a few choices to pick for elementary school and a high-school with the highest school rating being Four stars rating. However there is a policy of no pets allowed.

Downstairs Layout of Apartment

Upstairs Layout of Apartment

Median Income

The median income for the people who live in that neighborhood is $130,675. The median level of education for those who have a graduate degree is 21.15%.