

The Champion

Adviser: David Strom, CJE


The Golden Years


Myrtle Memories

Adviser: Alycia Hesse

Literary Magazine


Adviser: Dane Haiken

Awards & Recognition

2020 Scholastic Press Association of Chicago & McCormick Foundation High School Media Awards

Congratulations to The Warrior on winning first place at the city competition March 10, 2020, topping Whitney Young, Payton, Jones, and all other competing schools!

Warrior staff awards -- click on links to read award-winning stories:

Excellent -- Overall Newspaper

Excellent -- Overall Layout/Design

Excellent -- News Story (Finley Williams)

Superior -- Special Coverage (Finley Williams)

Superior -- Feature Story (Olivia Fergus-Brummer)

Excellent -- Broadcast Feature Story (Ela Messina)

Superior -- Opinion Piece (Leda Edwards)

Excellent -- Sports News Story (Glory Lozada)

Superior -- Sports Feature Story (Payton Jarzyna)

Superior -- Non-sports Photo (Emma Gallian)

Excellent -- Original Drawing or Comic (Schantelle Alonzo)

Superior -- Computer Graphics (Schantelle Alonzo)

Congratulations to Ella Dame, who won a $1000 McCormick Foundation/SPAC Fellowship to attend a summer journalism program of her choice.