Early College

Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Information

Need to take a Dual Credit test??

Here are the REQUIRED next steps!

EMAIL MS. Crockett (acrockett7@cps.edu) DIRECTLY IF YOU ARE HAVING ISSUES!


Fill out this Google Form sign up to take the test. If you need to take both placement tests, there is a space to indicate that as well.

Once you fill that out, follow the directions below to take the test!

How to TEST

STEP 1: Apply for a CCC account at apply.ccc.edu (If you have a CCC account already, skip to step 2).

What to select during application:

  • Select "Apply".

  • Feel free to use your CPS email or your personal email, but make sure it's an account you still have access to. You'll need to log into it for a confirmation code in the next step.

  • YOU MUST CHOOSE: Pursue a limited amount of courses as a visiting student, personal interest or as a dual enrollment/credit student. This option is not eligible for financial aid.”

  • "I plan to start classes in FALL 2022".

  • "I plan to attend Wilbur Wright College"

  • "Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit (currently attending high school)"

  • REMINDER: You MUST enter the same address for this application that appears on your Lake View records. (If you do not, there will be issues to resolve with your application.)

  • Last day attended can be the day you applying.

  • Make sure to hit SUBMIT!


STEP 2: Take your exams (Remember, you can only take one at a time and may only be required to take one, depending on the classes you would like to take. Check your email to confirm which tests). YOU WILL NEED THE LOGIN INFORMATION TO YOUR CCC ACCOUNTS FOR THESE STEPS.

If you want to take English Placement Exam (Read to Write):

Go to your CPS email (or below) and look for ENGLISH Placement Exam PPL and follow instructions as described in packet.

OR, if you want to take the Math Placement Exam (ALEKS):

Go to your CPS email (or below) and look for ALEKS PPL Registration and follow instructions as described in packet.


STEP 3: After testing, Students must then take the test on the Brightspace platform AND SCREENSHOT OF THE COMPLETED SCREEN (this will include a score for the ALEKS exam) AT THE END AND SEND IT TO Ms. Crockett (acrockett7@cps.edu).

English Exam PP Help Guide (3).pdf
ALEKS PPL Registration Instructions_CCC Early College Placement_2020pdf.pdf


If you have any questions or need help with anything, please reach out to Ms. Ayesha Crockett (acrockett7@cps.edu).

Looking forward to seeing you ALL test!