college selectivity

Your college access:

Academic fit is a measure of the likelihood of a student being admitted to a college, based on the student’s academic performance. The simplest method of measuring academic fit is to compare the student’s high school grade point average (GPA) and college admissions test scores (SAT/ACT) with the typical range for students enrolled at the college.

Categories for access to college types based on CPS graduates' GPAs and SAT scores and patterns of College enrollment.

This leads to the following definitions of reach , match and safety schools:

•A reach school is a college or university where a student’s academic performance falls short of the academic performance of the school’s typical freshman class. Typically, a reach school is a college where the student’s test scores are below the 25th percentile of test scores for students admitted by the college.

•A match school is a college or university where a student’s academic performance falls within the range of academic performance of the school’s typical freshman class. A student has a good chance of being admitted by a match school. A match school is a college where the student’s test scores are between the 25th and 75th percentiles of test scores for students admitted by the college.

•A safety school is a college or university where a student’s academic performance falls above the range of academic performance of a school’s typical freshman class. A safety school is a college where a student’s test scores are above the 75th percentile of test scores for students admitted by the college.

Use your GPA and SAT scores to identify your match school and then use the links below to research post secondary institutions which you currently have access to.

Most post secondary specialist recommend that you apply to at least one safety and one reach school along with 3 or more applications to schools which match your academic profile.

Remember that up to the time you take your final SAT and receive your final grades, your selectivity can change. Make sure to use Khan Academy to help you increase your SAT scores and thus increase your access to more schools.

Useful Links:

  • College Simply : Search universities by SAT score and GPA. Website also helps you track application deadlines for many universities.
  • Does a “college match” search for you based on individual preferences

Other options:

Technical and Trade Schools Military

Useful Documents:

Colleges List by selectivity.pdf