
For the duration of Remote Learning, students interested in Concert Choir and Symphonic Choir should sign up for the CPS All City Choir which is meeting remotely.

The Concert Choir and Symphonic Choir will begin meeting again once "In-Person" instruction has resumed and it has been determined to be safe to have in person instruction.

Concert Choir is open to students in 3rd through 5th grade and focuses on developing the young voice and singing music from different times, languages, and cultures.

Symphonic Choir is open to 6th through 8th grade students and, by audition, younger students with more developed voices. This choir focuses on developing a more resonant tone, vocal technique, and singing more challenging repertoire from various times, languages, and cultures.

All City Choir is open to all Chicago students in grades 3 - 12. This choir focuses on developing students with a wide range of vocal experience and technique. All students will work on developing their vocal and musical techniques. To learn more about the All City Program CLICK HERE.

Concert Choir

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Symphonic Choir

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All City Choir

Click the image above to go to Google Classroom!