The Student Resource Folder

AVID and the Student Resource Folder

Now that you have your Google Account set up it is time to talk about the Student Resource Folder. This folder is what will store all of your AVID work (your virtual binder). Make sure to familiarize yourself with the Student Resource Folder and add the Folder to your Google Drive Account.

You will use the Student Resource Folder to complete your TRFs, assignments, activities and store your Cornell Notes. All work for AVID must be done on the assigned Google activities inside your AVID folders in the Student Resource Folder.

Where is the Student Resource Folder located?

You can access the Student Resource Folder from the CalPac login page, under Resources on the CalPac website, and by bookmarking this link:

How do you navigate the Student Resource Folder?

Inside the Student Resource Folder you will find subfolders organized by subject. You will also find our CalPac Bulletin Board of Events folder with all of the school activities (field trips, Variety Hour events, club information, and event flyers).

Middle School AVID: Middle School students will always go to the Middle School subfolder first and then select their grade and AVID course.

High School AVID: High School students will go to the Electives subfolder and choose the AVID HS folder.

How do you add the Student Resource Folder to your Google Drive?

The easiest way to always have access to the Student Resource Folder is to add it to your own Google Drive. To do this make sure you are signed into your Google Drive Account. Open up the Student Resource Folder and go to the top of the window (under the Drive search bar) to where you see Student Resource Folder. From the drop down arrow choose “Add to My Drive.” The Student Resource Folder is now apart of your drive. If you need help please watch this recording below.

How to Add a Shared Folder to Your Drive.mp4