Year 2. Video 3.

Good morning children!

Today I have a song about feelings for you, but we you can start with a small vocabulary review:

Good morning children!

Avui tenc una cançó sobre els feelings (sentiments) per a vosaltres, però podeu començar amb un poc de vocabulary:

Now it is time to watch and listen to the video:

Ara és l'hora de mirar i escoltar el vídeo:

If you want to check your comprehension there are two activities.

The first one is very easy. You only have to listen the song and order the feelings:

Si voleu comprovar si heu entès la cançó hi ha dues activitats.

La primera és molt senzilla. Només heu d'escoltar la cançó i ordenar els feelings:

The second one is a little more difficult. You have to unscramble some sentences.

Here there are some clues:

  1. Words that means frequency: In this song sometimes, some days or other days.

  2. The subject: in this song I or feelings.

  3. The verb: in this song am, feel, are, get, don't, want, to dance, come or go.

  4. The feeling: in this song happy, sad, good, bad, excited, hungry, thirsty, angry or calm.

  5. Finally just remember that I'm is the same that I am.

Here is the activity:

La segona és un poc més difícil. Heu d'ordenar frases.

Vos don un parell de pistes per fer l'activitat:

  1. Paraules que indiquen freqüència: a la cançó sometimes, some days or other days.

  2. El subjecte: a la cançó I or feelings.

  3. El verb: a la cançó am, feel, are, get, don't, want, to dance, come or go.

  4. El sentiment: a la cançó happy, sad, good, bad, excited, hungry, thirsty, angry or calm.

  5. Per acabar recordau que I'm és el mateix què I am.

Vet aquí l'activitat:

If you need help send me an e-mail:

Si necessitau ajuda enviaume un e-mail: