Year 1. Video 2.

Hi, children!

As you know today is video day!

This week you can learn a traditional English song: "The wheels on the bus".

First there is an small game to learn some vocabulary:

Hi, children!

Com ja sabeu avui toca un vídeo.

Aquesta setman podreu aprendre una cançó tradicional anglesa: "The wheels on the bus".

Primer podeu fer un petit joc per aprendre un poc de vocabulari:

And here it is the song:

I aquesta és la cançó:

Here it is an activity to check your comprehension:

Aquí hi ha una activitat per veure si has entés la cançó:

That's all! If you want you can send me a bus or a video of you singing the song by e-mail:

Això és tot! Si voleu me podeu enviar un bus o un vídeo vostre cantant la cançó per e-mail: