Virtual instruction can be a very successful learning method. Students who do best have teachers and parents working together to create the perfect learning environment for them. The following areas are key to their success.


Students do best when they follow a schedule. Help them by ensuring they log in on time to live classes daily and during off-screen time they are working on the assignments given by their teachers.

Learning Space

Students learn best virtually when they have a designated learning space that is free of distractions and disruptions. Set up an area in your home that is dedicated to their learning.


Students will participate in live sessions with their cameras on. Support them by ensuring they are dressed appropriately.

Time Management

Students need support in managing their time daily and weekly. Support them by providing a calendar and monitoring their use of it.

Student Work

Teachers need to see what your student knows in order to better teach and support him/her. Allowing students to complete their own work provides better learning opportunities for your student.


Students do best virtually when teachers and parents work together. Contact your student's teacher with any questions or concerns you have regarding the education of your student.