High School

NTI Expectations

After a few weeks of experience with NTI, researching other schools and best practices, conversations with district leaders, school leaders, teachers, students, and parents, we have established a new set of NTI expectations through May 1st (or longer if needed).

Goals of NTI

  • Our goal is to provide a meaningful educational experience for our students during a time of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. We will continue to teach our students the essential standards needed to be successful at the next grade level, and support them academically and emotionally through this learning progress.

  • To achieve these goals, remastery and enrichment of essential standards previously taught is the recommended content focus for NTI. New content should only be introduced if it is required knowledge for the next course in the sequence. All content should include multiple ways for students to engage and demonstrate mastery.

NTI Schedule

  • Daily Announcements: Mr. Magner/Ms. Turnick will send out a brief video message via the DailyBark that will preview the day. This will make sure everyone knows what is going on and what to do! This will be sent out via email and social media.

  • We will be on an alternating schedule with our Math and Science core on M/W and English and Social Studies core on T/TR. Lessons for electives and non-core classes will be posted on Mondays and students will have the week to complete. Fridays will be for feedback, collaboration, and support.

Monday & Wednesday - Science & Math

  • 9:00-3:00-Math and Science Window (students may access all Math/Science classes during this window in no particular order)

  • Students will receive a bi-weekly pre-recorded lesson in Google Classroom (lesson will stay posted in classroom for review at any time)

  • Students will receive a bi-weekly posted assignment in Google Classroom with a due date (could be due that day or later in the week)

Tuesday & Thursday - English & Social Studies

  • 9:00-3:00-English and Social Studies Window (students may access all English/Social Studies classes during this window in no particular order)

  • Students will receive a bi-weekly pre-recorded lesson in Google Classroom (lesson will stay posted in classroom for review at any time)

  • Students will receive a bi-weekly posted assignment in Google Classroom with a due date (could be due that day or later in the week)

Electives (CTE, HAMP, Spanish, etc.)

  • Students will receive their lesson on Monday (lessons will stay posted in Google Classroom for review at anytime)

  • Students will receive the week’s assignment in Google Classroom with a due date by Friday

    • Teachers will be available through Google Meets each day to support students (a link to the open Google Meets forum will be posted in the Google Classroom each day)


  • 9:00-3:00-Teachers OPEN forum for Support (like virtual office hours)

  • Students complete a weekly reflection to provide teachers and administration with feedback. (This will also count as attendance)

Teacher Expectations

  • Teachers will focus on teaching and learning.

  • Teachers will support students through Google Classroom feedback, phone calls, emails, and Google Meets throughout the week.

  • Teachers will post a weekly agenda identifying learning targets, assignments, and any other important information students will need for the week. Elective teachers will use the agenda as a method of putting project-based learning into manageable chunks for students by providing suggested tasks for each day.

  • Teachers will label assignments by specific dates rather than the NTI day number to reduce confusion.

Student Expectations

  • Students will log into Google Classroom daily, Monday through Friday

  • Students will follow the NTI Schedule for the week

  • Students will watch each lesson that the teacher posts and complete each assignment

  • Students will take part in Google Meets with teachers as needed and will contact their grade level counselor and/or administrator when appropriate

  • Students will complete the weekly reflection each Friday

3rd Quarter Remastery Opportunities

  • While providing lessons and assignments covering 3rd quarter essential standards, teachers should award passing scores for students who failed 3rd quarter but now show completion of assignments and/or mastery of content.

  • What if a student wants more work?

    • If a student requests more work (to prepare for AP, IB, college/career readiness, intrinsic motivation, etc), teachers can always provide more content for that student to engage in.

Weekly Schedule

Student Plan for NTI Days

  1. All students will take Macbook and charger home, regardless of Day User status

  2. All teachers will use Google Classroom as their educational platform

    • Online classes that are currently using Edgenuity will continue using Edgenuity and will be monitored by current teacher

  3. Teacher will post to Google Classroom daily by 8:10am

    • Teachers provide a daily formative question to ensure students are logged on and engaging with Google Classroom

      • If a student does not engage for 2 days in a week, teacher will update a Google Doc with student name (this document will be controlled by the counselors)

  4. Students will login to Google Classroom for each class daily

    • Students will engage with the materials that the teacher provides

    • Students must complete the daily formative question by 11:59pm each class, each day

    • Students will turn in all assignments by the due date determined by the teacher

    • Students will post questions (when appropriate) in the classroom stream

Parent FAQs

Question: How long should my child be working per day on assignments?

Answer: Students are expected to log in daily to check Google Classroom for all of their classes. Each classroom teacher will post at least one question by 8:10AM that must be answered daily. Additionally, teachers may choose to upload video instructions, reading materials, or other materials pertaining to assignment completion. Students have until 11:59PM daily to answer their questions...individual work times for the students will vary based upon the courses they are taking as well as the assignments being asked of the classroom teacher.

Question: What is Google classroom?

Answer: Google classroom is an internet based learning platform. Google Classroom has been used daily at Holmes High School since the start of the school year in many classrooms - this should not be a new tool for any student.

Question: Where does my child locate Google classroom?

Answer: Google classroom is located on the internet - students will need internet access for Google Classroom. Free WiFi locations are available throughout the city of Covington.

Question: What are the requirements for my child to earn a grade for the class?

Answer: Students are required to login to Google Classroom daily to engage in the material that the teacher provides. Teachers will be updating grades in Infinite Campus, and failure to engage in Google Classroom will result in a grade of “Incomplete.”

Question: Where can I locate the progress my child is making on their assignments?

Answer: Teachers are asked to update grades weekly to ensure monitoring of student work. Grades will be updated in Infinite Campus. It is strongly encouraged that you talk to your student regarding their classroom work. Ask them to log into Google Classroom and show you what is being asked of them.

Question: Who do I contact if my child does not know how to do an assignment?

Answer: All teachers will be available via phone and email and they will be active on Google Classroom between 9am-3pm daily. Teachers have been instructed to abide by the 24 hour turnaround rule of any email during the work week. Additionally, you may reach out to your child’s grade level counselor or an administrator via phone or email for support.

Question: I do not have an internet connection, what should I do?

Answer: There are several Hot-Spots around Covington that students can use. Covington Independent Schools is working with Cincinnati Bell to set up more Hot Spots for our students throughout the city. Please watch for more information from the district regarding these new locations. If these facilities are not able to work, please reach out to Holmes High School administration or your child’s grade level counselor for paper/pencil packets to complete work.

Question: Who do I contact if my child has technical difficulties with their MacBook?

Answer: Mr. Jared Laney and our technology department will continue to work. Please contact Mr. Laney at jared.laney@covington.kyschools.us

Question: My child is a Senior, will this impact their graduation?

Answer: As long as students continue to work on their assigned courses this should not impact their graduation. The only impact to graduation would be if a student chooses to not complete the requirements of the course which would impact their grade creating issues.

Question: Will teachers be able to block content that my child is not supposed to access?

Answer: Students who connect to networks outside the district will still be subjected to the district’s web filtering and firewalls.

Question: What if my child refuses to do the assigned work?

Answer: If your child is refusing to complete assigned work, teachers will be notifying the leadership team and their grade will be impacted. A member of the leadership team will make contact home as soon as possible to notify of work refusal. This will also occur when a student does not complete the daily questions at least three times in a week.

Question: Will the Holmes High School Building be open?

Answer: Holmes High School will only be open to staff on NTI days.

Google Classroom Guide

2020 Parents' Guide to Google Classroom (1).pdf

Contact Information

Tony Magner, Co-Interim Principal: Tony.Magner@covington.kyschools.us

Angela Turnick, Co-Interim Principal: Angela.Turnick@covington.kyschools.us

David Hartman, Assistant Principal: David.Hartman@covington.kyschools.us

Bradie Bowen, Assistant Principal: Bradie.Bowen@covington.kyschools.us

Doug Fruchtenicht, SAM: Doug.Fruchtenicht@covington.kyschools.us

Donna Adams, 9th Grade Counselor: Donna.Adams@covington.kyschools.us

Kim Pastura, 10th Grade Counselor: Kim.Pastura@covington.kyschools.us

Karra Jackson, 11th Grade Counselor: Karra.Jackson@covington.kyschools.us

Jon Hopkins, 12th Grade Counselor: Jonathan.Hopkins@covington.kyschools.us

Ashley Lorenz, CCR Coach: Ashley.Lorenz@covington.kyschools.us

Anna Morse, Instructional Coach: Anna.Morse@covington.kyschools.us

Amber Lykins, Holmes High School Secretary: Amber.Lykins@covington.kyschools.us

Holmes High School: 859-655-9545