
It was a wacky week filled with Dr. Suess fun! We managed to learn a little too. Please be sure to return the Parent/Teacher Conference forms by Monday, March 9. We will send out dates and times ASAP.

In Science, we finished the Needs of Living Things unit this week. On Monday, we discussed a new habitat: the grasslands. We learned that every continent but Antartica has grasslands, characteristics of the habitat, and animals that live there. We ended the week discussing the five senses. We made our own Mr. and Mrs. Potato heads to identify the parts of the body that help us use the five senses. We read Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss and made our own Horton Hears a Who, How About You? books to think more about what we hear every day and what we like to listen to. As part of our review of the unit, we also looked at the seed experiments and made conclusions about what plants need to grow.

Next week, we will start our Social Studies unit on communities with a focus on goods, services, and community helpers. This will be a great lead into Career Day on Wednesday, March 18. The theme this year is Treasure Your Future. On Career Day, the elementary students are encouraged to wear an outfit/costume that represents a career they are interested in pursuing at this time. In the past, we have had astronauts, zoo keepers, doctors, teachers, musicians, artists, scientists, veterinarians, police officers, firefighters, chefs, librarians, construction workers and more. We can’t wait to see the students’ choices this year!

Ms. Eby will be taking over Writing on Monday. She will continue with the Writer’s Workshop format. The students are becoming very motivated by the process. They are asking to write during their literacy choice time! She will also be introducing poetry this week in some mini-lessons as we move into April, poetry month. In April, the students will be writing some of their own poems with support and provided structures.

As I am sure you have heard, she has also taken over two of the math groups. It is so nice to see the connections she is making with the students.

Hope you are enjoying the beautiful day!

The Princess and the Pea play was a perfect performance today, and a plethora of p words. We had front row seats! As always, the students loved the field trip and bus ride. The play was a wonderful combination of humor and storytelling. Ask them about their favorite part. Hopefully, they will retain the message that “they can write their own story” just like the prince and princess.

In Science this week, we discussed how different animals get their food, how seasons influence living things, and learned about animals that live in the Arctic. On Monday, we learned that blue whales filter their food using their baleen and practiced filtering beads out of water using a comb. We then pretended to be a quail, raccoon, and a woodpecker to practice how these different animals get food for survival. Ask them to show you how a quail gets its food. We continued discussing how animals get their food with a focus on bird beaks by picking up “food” with different shaped and styled beaks. We ended our week learning that animals migrate or hibernate in response to the change of seasons and found animals that live in the Arctic.

Other news:

  • In Social Communication group this week, Ms. O’Brien and Ms. English lesson was on Erin’s Law. Please contact any of us with questions or concerns.
  • With a bus ride needed today for the field trip, we completed our bus evacuation drill as well once we returned to Cove. The students did a great job.
  • Next week we are celebrating Dr. Suess Week. Please see the flyer below and in your child’s folder for the schedule.

Happy Friday,


Our four days this week were packed with learning. Here are a few quick highlights...

In Writing, we have moved to a Writer’s Workshop format. This allows students to work on their writing at their own pace, work on their individual goals, and conference with teachers as needed. On Thursday, we had our first Author’s Chair with five students sharing their published work. After sharing, each student receives three compliments specific to their writing and suggestions. This opportunity to share becomes a powerful motivator for students. Mini-lessons and special writing activities will also continue with our Framing Your Thoughts and SRSD Writing programs. This week quotation marks and dialogue were part of a mini-lesson. The class did some fantastic writing giving dialogue to animals in a picture prompt. They were asking to do more.

In Science this week, we continued talking about the needs of living things with a focus on animal traits and adaptations. We found that genes are shuffled between offspring just like a deck of cards, and all animals have similar and different traits between one another. On Thursday, we experimented with how different animals have special traits to help them survive in their environments. Ask them about how a penguin stays dry or how elephants use their ears in the heat. We ended the week creating our own animals with stencils and drawings to show how animals use their special traits to survive. In our whole class OG studies, we have completed our studies of blends. We will continue to review and practice blends in our guided reading activities as appropriate. Next week, magic e will be the focus. Each student will get to create a magic e to help support their understanding.

Don’t forget, we will be attending The Princess and The Pea on Friday morning.

Enjoy the sunny, warm weekend,

Ms. Kanda

Dear families,

I hope you all had a wonderful and warm Valentine's Day! We had a blast as we celebrated yesterday sharing our sweet valentines with one another and our party. Thanks to Ms. Alyssa for her party planning, and Ms. Eby for her help too! The class enjoyed making and eating white chocolate fondue with strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, and gluten-free graham crackers. The students also tie dyed t-shirts with their choice of red, pink or both. They will bring home their shirts next week. We were definitely feeling loved yesterday!

Check out some pictures from the Valentine's Day party and the last few weeks in Room 216! ( We have been busy. Scroll down to see the latest photos.

Enjoy the long weekend,

Ms. Kanda and Ms. Eby

February 7

Yes, You Can was the theme of Lloyd Bachrach’s engaging and inspiring assembly on Wednesday as part of our Wellness Day activities. He shared how even though he had some physical challenges, he was able to achieve his dreams. Mr. Bachrach also shared how we are all differently abled. Such a good message for all of us!

On Wednesday, we also celebrated the 100th day of school and Global Play Day. We ate 100 snacks, shared our creative 100 item bottle collections and more. As for playing, we played board games (Connect Four, Sorry, Uno, Spot It) and worked on puzzles. Jumping and Hula-Hooping also filled our day as part of the American Heart Association Jump Rope for Heart. They were happily exhausted at the end of the day!

We finished the Health unit this week talking about how we can keep our bodies healthy. We first focused on how we can keep our bones, muscles, lungs, and heart healthy. We saw how the lungs inflate when we take a breath in and how they deflate when we exhale by blowing up a balloon. We also practiced what the heart does by clapping our hands in water and saw that the blood is squeezed from the heart just like the water was squeezed from our hands. We also practiced different exercises we can do to help keep our lungs and heart strong. On Tuesday, we dove deeper into what the heart does and its characteristics. We found veins in our arms, learned that hearts are not all the same size, and felt our heart rates increase when we performed various exercises to feel how hard the heart works when we exercise. This was a great connection to our Wellness Day, and they all found ways they were helping their hearts! We ended our week talking about the importance of sleep and what it does for our bodies, such as give us energy and help us learn. We made dreams into comic strips and decorated pillowcases.

Next week, Ms. Eby will begin a new science unit exploring the Needs of Living Things and take over Morning Meeting.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms. Kanda and Ms. Eby

January 24

Health, wellness and mindfulness have been on our brains for the last week or so here in Room 216 at Cove. It was so nice to see some of you at the presentation on mindfulness by Dr. Willard on January 16. As Mrs. Anilowski shared in her note last week, it all begins with us as adults being coregulators in a positive mindset. Many new ideas were shared at both presentations last week. I am happy to report that we already do many mindful activities intentionally throughout the day. We will also slowly incorporate some of Dr. Willard’s new ideas as well.

Here in the Elementary Unit at Cove, the health units are covered during the third quarter. Again, health and wellness are already part of our daily activities with a “movement” involved special daily, multiple movement breaks daily and a focus on mindfulness as we do Calm Classroom daily and as needed. Our social emotional curriculum daily and weekly groups with Ms. English and Ms. O’Brien also guide us with our emotional and social health. In combination with this focus, we began our health unit last week. We first discussed what it means to be healthy. Our list includes: nutrition, safety, fitness, self-awareness, social relationships and mindfulness. We connected our ideas to the basic needs of love, food, shelter and water. In our study of nutrition, we reviewed the five basic food groups and My Plate curriculum. We practiced sorting foods into the five food groups (they need lots of practice with this!), and dove a little deeper into which foods are healthiest within those groups. A closer look at the difference between fruits and vegetables was done on Thursday. Ask them how to determine if it is a vegetable. The importance of eating a variety of foods was also highlighted with the idea of eating the rainbow. It is a great reminder to us all to be healthy! We connected two writing activities to nutrition by writing their own book called The Very Healthy Caterpillar and a sentence on their favorite color to eat.

Next week, Ms. Eby will take over the Health/Social Studies/Science instruction. She will be focusing on safety. Ms. Eby has been working hard with guidance as she begins instruction.

Ms. Eby also created a wonderful new bulletin board to help us track our courage tickets. Ask your child about the yellow brick road!

January 17

It was no surprise the students had a blast at the movie, Spies in Disguise, today. The walk over and back was excitement on its own. The overall response was that it was hilarious! I am sure they will have lots of information today to share with you. The class also stuffed bears with the Kindness Connection for children in hospitals. Each student stuffed a bear, gave it a name and wrapped it for a child. Such an important lesson for our class to learn to give back and think of others in need. They also loved working on the project. To complete the day, the Elementary Unit did yoga with The Yellow Elephant staff and listened to some courage themed books with Mr. Linforth.

With the upcoming holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, the class enjoyed reading Mighty Jackie: The Strike Out Queen with Ms. Eby. The book highlights the path of a girl who dreams to play major league baseball. Next, students had the opportunity to share their dream job by drawing, telling or writing. We have some future basketball players, therapists, Kindergarten teachers, hockey players and more. Ms. Eby then connected this idea with Dr. King’s dream. While diversity is an essential part of every day at Cove, students also took some time to learn more about Dr. King’s important messages through Scholastic News and other sources. I hope you take some time on Monday to honor Dr. King’s messages with your child.

We completed our Light, Color and Shadow unit in science this week. As part of the culmination of the unit, the students created kaleidoscopes on Tuesday using all of their new knowledge. They did an excellent job completing this multi-step project. If you haven’t seen their kaleidoscope yet, ask them about it. On Tuesday, we will begin our health unit starting with nutrition.

Enjoy the four-day weekend!

January 10

Dear Families,

Room 216 was so excited to welcome Dory Eby, student teacher, to the classroom this week. The kids have done a great job with her arrival, and we all look forward to her work in the months ahead in our room. As we say hello to her, we unfortunately will be saying goodby to Ms. Woods tomorrow. We will miss her dearly and thank her for her important role here in our classroom. I will be telling the students this afternoon. A small celebration will be held for her tomorrow at the end of the day. This will hopefully provide some nice closure for the students.

Robyn Kaplan and Alyssa Salzstein will be sharing the role of classroom assistant for the rest of the year. Ms. Kaplan will be here on Monday and Tuesday and Ms. Salzstein will be here Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Both of them are familiar with the routines of our classroom and our students. Moving ahead, this will provide important consistency and understanding of our students' needs. The team realizes changes in staff and routines can be challenging for our students. We have plans to support all students as needed through this process. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at anytime.

In other news, the students have done a fantastic job getting back into the swing of school after 17 days off! In writing, they are writing informative paragraphs about why bears hibernate. In science, our focus was rainbows. Ask them about the color of light?

Please note: Next week there will be no individual pull-outs with specialists as they work on progress reports. I will also be assessing students, so their homework will be review material.

Happy New Year!


December 13

In writing this week, all the students wrote an informative paragraph using a TIDE graphic organizer from our Self-Regulated Strategy Development writing program. Assisting the students in writing their facts, the TIDE organizer guides them to write a sentence with need, have and can. We were so impressed with their writing. We are tracking our writing with a rocket graphic. All students were able to fill-in all pieces of their rocket!

In science, we continued our study of shadows and light. Thinking about our knowledge of shadows, students explored transparent, translucent and opaque objects. Try highlighting these different types of items around your home. On Friday, students learned how light travels in a straight line. However, you can bend light and make it change direction while still traveling in a straight line. The class loved exploring the idea of bending light with mirrors and flashlights in our darkened room. Ask them about it.

December 6

Pies in the face, Hour of Code, the science of light and more filled our week as we entered December! On Thursday, the students loved seeing Mrs. Anilowski and Mr. Laube get pied in the face. This was a reward for the Elementary Unit collecting the most money for the coin drive for the Media Center. Due to the drive, our classroom received two new books so far! A special thanks to the Turner family for the book donation of Interrupting Chicken and the Elephant of Surprise. Not only is this just a super silly and fun story, it also connects to our writing lessons. Thursday was also the Hour of Code. The students LOVED coding and continued on Thursday and Friday afternoon. I encourage you to look at the videos that introduce the Hour of Code. Here is a link to the activities:

Finally, we began our second science unit: Light, Color and Shadows. We started the unit exploring the sources of light and then sorting natural and artificial light sources. On Wednesday, the students explored how to create light by creating static electricity. They may ask for a balloon to create static electricity! On Friday, shadows were the center of our schedule as the students traced their shadows at three different times of the day. This lesson highlights many scientific lessons. Ask them what is a shadow and why they change?

Our mornings in literacy have been busy too. You may have noticed many of their reading books this week highlighted our science concepts. When possible, this is a wonderful way to integrate our studies. In our OG lessons, we continue to focus on the r-blends and open and closed syllables. In writing, the students have been working on clearly defining topics and writing topic sentences. We will connect to our science lessons by writing about light and shadows. Good writers write what they know about, so we will apply their new knowledge. We will do some interactive writing to start before they write on their own.

Don’t forget about Compose Yourself, their Elementary play, on Tuesday, December 17 at 6:30 pm.

November 22

Mrs. Woods and I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and restful vacation. We are both grateful for the opportunity to work with your child and at Cove each and every day. They delight us with their courage, enthusiasm, humor, kindness, hardwork and creativity. Earlier this week, we were making letters and numbers in the hallway by creating different pathways. I made a figure 8 route one day, and soon they were asking for other numbers and letters. Simply amazing!

We ended November with lots of turkey talk and activities. I hope you had a chance to see our Gobble Wobblers. The students did a great job with this multi-step project and working with partners. We reviewed basic sentence structure this week with a close look at subjects (nouns) and predicates (pronouns). Students identified them in sentences and wrote their own. We also spent time discussing the first Thanksgiving comparing life 400 years ago to today. The class loved learning about the lives of children then. In some ways, they lived very similar lives.

In our OG study, whole class lessons focused on blends. We started with the r-blends. With a blender as a visual, students learned how to take two letters and blend them together to make a new sound - just like the ingredients of a milkshake or smoothie. We will spend December introducing the other blends while continuing small and individual OG lessons. A few students even got to share their OG knowledge with the Cove Board of Directors. They were very impressed.

While all of our math instruction is in small groups, the whole class has been focusing on skip counting orally and in some written activities. This helps all of them with their number sense, but also with their conceptual understanding of multiplication. In their ST math program, they are also working on developing this conceptual understanding.

When we return, it will be full speed ahead with lots of practice for the play on December 17. See below for the details. We will also begin our science unit on Light, Color and Shadows. It is a very educational and interactive unit.

From Mrs. Anilowski’s newsletter: The Elementary students are practicing for their upcoming performance. Join the fun and meet some great composers from our past. The show introduces students to famous tunes from the classical canon; Mozart, Bach, J. Strauss, and Beethoven. Join us on Tuesday, December 17th at 6:30 pm in the gym (there will also be a 1:30 pm performance for the school).

November 15

The students were showing great courage and responsibility this week. They all did a fantastic job at the Veteran’s Day ceremony. They also handled our week to clean the lunch tables with care and enthusiasm. We also enjoyed a beautiful book called Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You this week. The book is written by Justice Sonia SotoMayor. She shares her challenges of having juvenile diabetes as a child. Each page highlights a different challenge for students. We had some amazing and thoughtful discussions as we read it with students sharing their own challenges. Mostly, it reinforces how they are all courageous and wonderful and different! I highly recommend it.

November 8

What a busy week filled with lots of special events!

On Tuesday, we enjoyed the sweet production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory by Junior High students. We had just finished the read aloud, so it was perfect timing. They loved the book, the movie and play! Our next read aloud is Matilda by Roal Dahl.

On Wednesday, we had a visit from Mr. Wall in preparation of the active intruder drill. The students listened well and shared some productive ideas.

On Thursday, Cove participated in the Active Intruder drill. Our class did an excellent job during the drill. We debriefed both yesterday and today. The students shared some appropriate feelings as it can cause us to feel scared and anxious. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions.

Today, we said goodbye to Ms. Jessica (student occupational teacher) with a celebration of donuts from Ms. Katie. The students also gave her cards and a framed photo. She did a great job with our class and we wish her the best. Students will resume working with Ms. Katie for OT services. We also had a Read - In with two Thanksgiving books: The Great Thanksgiving Escape and T'was the Night Before Thanksgiving. The students made a Grateful Garland and a fun turkey that should have arrived home today.

On Monday, we will participate in a Veteran's Day assembly.

You should have received a confirmation email with your conference date and time today. Please let me know if you did not receive it.

Have a wonderful weekend,


November 1, 2019

And poof...there was snow, most of the leaves fell to the ground, and Halloween is done. Here is some proof we had some Halloween fun!

(Scroll down to see the latest photos)

With snow falling, the kids still love to play.

Wearing boots, snowpants, hats, mittens/gloves and coats are the only way.

So please pack them everyday!

Enjoy your extra hour of time and the rest of the weekend!

October 25, 2019

Halloween was definitely in the air on Friday. You could feel their excitement. We will try to harness that energy in some positive ways next week as we do some pumpkin and fall activities. This week students collected leaves and will be creating animals with them to use with a writing project. They also worked on an opinion piece writing about the best candy ever. Nothing like a little sweet motivation!

In our Orton Gillingham studies, all students demonstrated the ability to read and write he and be as our week’s red words. Next week’s words will be: the, so. In our whole group lessons, we spent the last two weeks working on open and closed (long and short) vowels. Building on this knowledge, we will begin syllable division to decode unknown words with more than one syllable. Our first syllable division rule will be VCCV dividing the word in between the consonants. For example, they will work with words like sunset. Their independent and small OG groups will continue as well working on their focus areas.

October, 18 2019

Happy Friday!

Be on the watch for some vegetables in your child's backpack from our latest harvest today! They gobbled up all the tomatoes we picked in the classroom!! Check out the website for some recent photos of our Pajama Day and special art project with Ms. Vallejo, our art therapist:

On Monday, a yoga instructor from the Yellow Elephant at Northbrook Court will be leading our class in 15 minutes of yoga at 9:15. Be sure to dress your student in comfortable clothes.

As the fall temperatures continue to fall, please make sure your child is dressed for morning and lunch recess.

Enjoy the weekend,


October 11, 2019

Hopefully a beautiful yellow Chrysanthemum plant arrived home with your student today. Our wonderful volunteer, Jill, heads south to Florida soon and gave all of us a special gift. She is truly a special person and the students adore her visits to our room each week. We will send her a thank you note next week!

The Wednesday off challenged our schedule oriented class, but we made it through the week. They actually did a great job this week. And, they all were able to write a and and for our first OG red words. We will slowly add new words that the students should both be able to read and write. They also have all demonstrated knowledge of the short vowel sounds. So, we will begin to focus on open vowels (long vowel sounds).

Enjoy the long weekend and the chillier temperatures!

October 4, 2019

We packed a lot into four days this week. The students worked especially hard in writing. The focus this week was sequencing. Focusing on sequencing words, the students worked on several activities practicing this skill. On Thursday, they wrote the steps to make a pizza independently!

Have you heard the words galore, analyze, unique, bland, detach, grand, beat and collision being used at home? These are Robust Vocabulary words that Ms. English has introduced the class to this year. The class loves to find them in different texts and uses them. We are building their vocabulary each week on Tuesdays.

Reminders for next week

  • Picture Day - Tuesday, October 8th at 9:00 for Room 216
  • No School - Wednesday, October 9th

September 27, 2019

Don’t forget there is no school on Monday, September 30. We will see the students back in the classroom on Tuesday, October 1!

This week the students worked on a week long project to write an opinion paragraph on their favorite color. After reading The Day the Crayons Quit, each student picked their favorite color. They shared their opinion and gave three facts to support it. Finally, they wrote letters to their favorite color using this information. What great work on this multi-step project!

We are wrapping up our science unit. Next week, the students will be meteorologists using their knowledge gained and complete an end of unit assessment. Then we will begin our first social studies unit focusing on world geography.

Enjoy the long weekend!

September 20, 2019

Happy Fall Y’all! With these warm days, it is hard to believe that autumn is actually here. In my opinion, fall is the best season. Whether it is college football, leaves changing colors, cooler temperatures or pumpkin spiced everything, fall arrives as a welcome change from summer.

Speaking of opinions, the students began working on opinion paragraphs this week. After first assessing their knowledge of opinions and facts, a lesson focusing on distinguishing the difference between facts and opinions was shared. Facts can be proven true and opinions are related to feelings. Then, they practiced identifying facts and opinions with color and animal statements. On Thursday, we reviewed an exemplar of an opinion paragraph identifying the opinions and facts. Finally, they were ready to share their opinions and support it with facts. After reading Duck! Rabbit!, the students shared their opinion if the character was a duck or rabbit and supported it with facts. Students shared their writing with SeeSaw, typing with predictive software or writing by hand. We will continue to practice opinion paragraphs. They did a great job!

In science, we continued our study of water and weather. On Wednesday, our lesson’s focus question was how the sun warms the earth. After learning how to read a thermometer, students took the temperature of soil and water inside the classroom. Then they placed the samples outside for an hour and checked the temperature readings again. Students were able to see how the sunlight warmed the water and soil with the data they gathered. We also had another sample in the shade to see how direct sunlight warms the earth even more strongly. They were able to connect this idea to standing in the shade to be cooler. We are loving science in Room 216!

We are off to a fantastic start with homework. A few reminders:

  • Yellow folders and book bags are returned daily.
  • Red folders (sight words) are returned only on Fridays.

Next week’s specials are PE and Art.

September 13, 2019

Thanks to all the parents who were able to join us last night. It is always so helpful to share our plan for the year and to meet with all of you. The kids were excited to see their notes and quizzes this morning. For those unable to attend, you should find all the information in your child’s backpack and a few vegetables from the garden as well. Please make sure to return the SeeSaw form.

We had the perfect day today to do an experiment to see evaporation in action. Due to the heavy rain last night, the students were able to find big areas of accumulation (puddles). At 12:00, we traced the puddles with chalk. At 2:00, we observed the changes and were amazed to see that many had completely disappeared. Such a great way for them to begin to understand evaporation. Ask them about the experiment.

Next week’s specials are STEAM and Dance. Homework, small group instruction and pull-outs begin next week as we focus on everyone’s instructional levels now that assessments are done.

Enjoy the warm and sunny weekend!

August 23, 2019

We are off to a fantastic start in Room 216! The class had three terrific days to start our new 2019-2020 school year. Much of the time was spent building community in our classroom as we get to know one another. Due to a student question over the summer, the class began the year reading Have You Filled A Bucket Today? This book highlights the way we can support one another in myriad simple ways as we fill people’s imaginary buckets. We are working to be bucket fillers and are off to an amazing start. With a goal to reach 100 buckets filled, the class is already at 20 after three days! This intentional instruction on social emotional growth is a focus for all of Cove this year and an integral part of each and every day.

Courage is also a theme for the school this year. As Mrs. Anilowski shared, all the students showed courage as they entered the new school year. This is both an exciting and anxious time for many students. We also read the book, The Day You Began, that shares the courage it takes to join a new group and the feelings we all have as we do so. Ms. Woods and I are so proud of the way students are supporting one another and learning about each other. With activities with Skittles and numbers and daily Morning Meeting activities, students have been sharing and learning about each other.

Each week families will receive a communication from the classroom in the form of a newsletter update, website update or SeeSaw message from your student. You will learn more about all of these forms of communication on Parent Night on Thursday, September 12.

August 30. 2019

Hope you are enjoying the long weekend! Room 216 had a great first full week of school. We are learning routines and finishing up assessments. We also had a fantastic harvest and taste testing in the garden on Friday. Ask them about their favorites. Check out the class website to see photos: The website is updated often, so bookmark it to check back. I will also let you know when new items have been added.

Next weeks are specials are PE and Art. You can find the specials schedule on the Important Links section of the website. This week, we will begin small and individual math instruction. Literacy assessments are still ongoing, so we will continue with whole group instruction until next week. In science, our first unit on Weather and Water began last week.


Garden math: comparing, counting and taste testing

Our harvest on

August 30

September 6, 2019

We packed a lot into four days this week in Room 216. Here are a few highlights from the week:

  • Coach Linforth stopped into the room to read some of the Mo Williems books we have been enjoying. They kids loved it! Be sure to ask them about it.
  • In science, the students were able to observe and learn first hand that clouds are made of water. Today, they learned about cycles first. Then they transferred this knowledge to the water cycle.
  • The Elementary Read-In was a big success. You have to come to Parent/Guardian Night to see their creations!
  • Superheroes are also being created to share on Thursday Night as well.

Enjoy the weekend!