Self Quizzing

(Retrieval Practice)

Taking practice tests or self quizzing on the materials to be remembered

We forget about 70% of what we see and hear, our minds are in a constant state of forgetting. When you self quiz you use the limited information you have to navigate back to the information you have forgotten 

The harder it is for you to recall new learning from memory the greater the benefit from so, the effort of retrieving knowledge strengthens its staying power. 

We do not need to wait for someone to hand us a quiz in order to start learning. We can simply start self quizzing. 

- Make it Stick Book

Self Quizzing \ Retrieval Explained

Self Quizzing (Retrieval) Explained


Try self quizzing on this video. Watch the video and then create a mindmap of all the information you can remember from the pod. They re-watch the pod and add anything you missed to the mind map. 


Retrieval practice works best when you go back to check your class materials for accuracy afterward.

Retrieval is hard! If you’re struggling, identify the things you’ve missed from your class materials, and work your way up to recalling it on your own with the class materials closed.

Don’t only recall words and definitions. Make sure to recall main ideas, how things are related or different from one another, and new examples.

Self Quizzing Practice Poster

One Page Guide to Self Quizzing

How to Self Quiz

Any activity that requires you to recall information from memory in order to answer a question is self quizzing. 

Below we have listed a number of self quizzing methods to get you started but feel free to come up with your own.

Simple Active Recall

Put away your class materials, and write or sketch everything you know about a topic \ sub topic. Be as thorough as possible.

Then, check your class materials for accuracy and for any important points you missed.

Cornell Notes Quizzing Activities

Review content by taking notes on it using the Cornell notes template

At the top of the template you write the title of your notes, on the middle right hand side you write your notes on the content you are reviewing. At the bottom of the template you summarise your notes in a couple of sentences. On the middle left hand section of the template you should create questions that test your understanding of the notes that you have taken. 

Now cover up your notes and on a fresh piece of paper try to the answer the questions you have written. Then compare your answers with your original notes to see how accurate you were. 

This works well with GCSE Pod, you take notes on the pod and then test yourself on the content. 

Quizzing Flash Cards

The creation of the flash cards is not the effective learning strategy here, it is the use of them to quiz your self that is the effective learning technique. 

CGP sell ready made packs of question cards for most GCSE courses which are great to use. 

Flashcards can be automatically created and downloaded from many sources including the online platform Quizlet.

If no ready made ones are available then simply buy a set of index cards and write a question on one side and the answer on the other side. They use them to test yourself on the questions. 

Practice Tests

Take as many practice tests as you can get your hands on. If you don’t have ready-made tests, try making your own and trading with a friend who has done the same. 

Each of your subjects should have a bank of mini tests and questions that you can use. Many of the faculties have uploaded them to their own online portals. Ask your teacher where you can get these tests if you are unsure. 

Past Paper Exam Questions

One of the best ways to test and quiz yourself is using past paper exam questions. This way you will become familiar with the style of questions that you will face in an actual exam. 

Each exam board website has a section where they lists all their past papers. Ask your teacher if you cannot find them and your teacher let you have copies of the papers. 

Click here for more guidance about how to answer exam papers effectively. 

GCSE POD Quizzing Activities



Stretch: Can you add another 3+ pieces of information after your second watch?


Stretch: Complete this activity with a friend. Only allow them to watch each Pod once – how many do they get right? Then get them to create a new test for you to answer.

How to use GCSE Pod to practice retrieval


Seneca Learning is dedicated self quizzing platform so get yourself logged in and start completing their activities. 

It is great as it keeps track of your success rate and it generates a SMART revision list that it intelligently creates based on your success rate

Quizlet is another quizzing and recall platform for GCSE subjects. Login with your school Google account and use the Quizlet LEARN mode to quiz yourself. 

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