Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of the ECHS program?

Students in our ECHS program will be given many different college and career exposure opportunities. Students will begin to take their first classes for college credit in ninth grade, which is two years earlier than our typical track. Students will be provided with real life work experiences through job shadows, field trips, internships and guest speakers. Student will also participate in college experiences through campus tours, guest speakers, enrolling in college classes at CHS and online, and may even have the opportunity to take courses on TC3's campus. Students will be given academic support and support with their FAFSA, scholarship and college applications, all while building a career portfolio and accumulating 90 additional hours of learning and voluteer hours outside of the classroom.

How will the ECHS program fit into my child's schedule?

The ECHS requirements will fit into each student's schedule in addition to the 22 credits they will earn for a traditional Regents Diploma. Students will work with the ECHS Coordinator and their guidance counselor each year to make sure their schedules are accurate. There is an additional 90 hours of learning outside of the classroom required each year in this program which will be satisfied through volunteer and after school opprotunities, as well as field trips and guest speakers. All students will obtain a minimum of 24 college credits by the end of their senior year, with a maximum of 60 credits allowed (Associates Degree). 

How often will the ECHS students be out of the classroom?

Students have the opportunity for field trips throughout the year, during the school day, as well as afterschool and occasionally on the weekends. These are not required but are an opportunity for students to work towards the additional 90 hours they will need each year. Students can choose to attend field trips that are applicable to their career and college interests as opportunities arise. 

What is the summer commitment for ECHS?

There is a mandatory 3-week long Summer Bridges program on TC3's campus during the summer for students who are entering their sophomore year. All other summer credit opportunities will be flexible and available for those students who do not have space in their schedule during the school year to meet the 24 college credit requirement before their high school graduation. 

What concurrent enrollment courses are available at Cortland High School?

Cortland High School has a growing list of course offerings through Tompkins Cortland Community College. You can find a list of the course offerings on Tompkins Cortland's website.