Weekly Update

Be the Body of Christ.

See the Good! Be The Good!

What's the BUZZ in Pre-K 4?

May 6 - 10, 2024 

This week we were super busy - again! We learned about God's Gift of Flowers - tiny seeds that grow into wonderful things. We released our butterflies - so look for them in your backyard!

This week in Religion, we will learn about God's Gift of Mothers and Fathers. Mother's Day is a special day to celebrate Moms for all that they do. We will be working on special projects this week.  On Father's Day we celebrate dads for all their help and support. As a school community, we continue to focus on one Fruit of the Spirit each month. We will talk about how to show that Fruit at home and at school - and what we can do to make it grow! Our Fruit for May is SELF CONTROL (a big one!) ...how can we make ourselves do the right thing and show our SELF CONTROL everywhere we go?? 

In ELA, our theme this month is Insects. We will talk about their habitat, and how they can help us - or sometimes hurt us. We will know what characteristics make a creature an insect. We will look at some insects as well.  We will be reviewing the letters with games, center activities and papers. We will also work on a few "sight words".   Look for the letters on signs, cereal or snack boxes and in books that you read at home. There are letters all around us!

Our Math unit this month is adding and subtracting stories. We can tell a story and count to tell "How Many?" Of course, we will always be reviewing our counting skills, numbers and shapes!

Our Science and Social Studies this month will be mostly about Insects - what they are and where they live.

This week in Pre-K 4A...

Monday - Music today! Art today! Nurse's Day! Uniform donations accepted.

Tuesday - Teacher's Day! Uniform Donations accepted.

Wednesday -  Library today (bring your book in the bag), I-pads and Gym in the afternoon! 

Thursday - NO SCHOOL TODAY! Holy Day - Ascension of the Lord...

Friday - Spanish today! 

Some notes...

** (NEW) Mark your calendars...Our Moving On Celebration is Wednesday May 29th at 2pm. It is also our last day of Pre-K 4...We are moving on to summer - and Kindergarten!

** (NEW) Pre-K Joke Day is coming soon (May16-17) ... Look for a note on Monday - and then look for a joke to tell!

**(NEW) Pre-K Planting Day is May 16 (raindate 5/17). The Pre-K kids will be helping Mr. Don and Mr. Archie (who are in charge of the Prayer Garden) plant flowers in front of the rectory, which is the Pre-K garden. We will also be helping Mr. Dave plant around the church grounds. Wear older sneakers and sunscreen that day.

**(NEW) Pre-K Playground Day is coming 5/22! Look for emails from the Homeroom Parents for volunteer opportunities or snack donations. It is a fun morning for all Pre-K kiddos! Thanks for your help!

** (STILL IMPORTANT) Please remind your child about appropriate bathroom behavior...it is not a place to play, hide with friends or turn off the lights - or put rocks in the toilet/urinals.

** (STILL IMPORTANT) Please continue to talk about good listening behavior at school. We are working on GREEN choices, sharing and SELF CONTROLWe need to be ready for Learning Time...to be able to sit, listen and not bother our friends (with our hands, or voices). We have plenty of time during the day to have fun with our friends - at play, snack and center time. We need to be able to settle and work like a Pre-Kindergartener!! 

** Help keep our hands and classroom clean...if you could send in one container of baby wipes or Lysol wipes to finish out our year... that would be great!

** Spring uniforms have started (navy blue gym shorts and gray t-shirt). Remember if it is chilly, the sweatpants can still be worn. Also, consider keeping the sweatshirt in the backpack - just in case..

** We have a club in Pre-K - THE ZIPPER CLUB...All you need  to do is put your jacket on all by yourself and zip it up! Open for new members... We have many members and a couple applicants (who are still trying!) Almost there!!

** Please write your child's name in their sweatshirt on the tag or a piece of masking tape now that everyone should have a CCS sweatshirt.

If you have any questions, please email me - lori.lefevre@corpuschr.org

Thank you for all you do! Thank you for sharing your children with us!