


Welcome to 2A!  On this website you will find information that is important to 2A.  Our class will be learning many new and exciting things this year. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. My email is carolyn.dowling@corpuschr.org

Beginning this week, IXL will be updated with ELA and Math Recommendations. Your child has accessed IXL in class already. They just need to enter with their google account listed in their spiral.

Corpus Christi's Mission Statement

We the students and faculty of Corpus Christi Catholic School embrace our name, Body of Christ. Our mission is to be the Body of Christ in everything we do; wherever we go and in whatever we say. We respect the dignity of every person and share our message of hope. We want to follow the example of Jesus in our thoughts, words, and actions.

Be the Body of Christ