The Tenth Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

Sunday June 18th @ CVPR 2023 in Vancouver


Workshop Overview

Fine-grained categorization, the precise differentiation between similar plant or animal species, disease of the retina, architectural styles, etc., is an extremely challenging problem, pushing the limits of both human and machine ability. In these domains expert knowledge is typically required, and the question that must be addressed is how can we develop artificial systems that can efficiently discriminate between large numbers of highly similar visual concepts. 

The 10th Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization (FGVC10) will explore topics related to supervised learning, self-supervised learning, semi-supervised learning, matching, localization, domain adaptation, transfer learning, few-shot learning, machine teaching, multimodal learning (e.g., audio and video), 3D-vision, crowd-sourcing, image captioning and generation, out-of-distribution detection, anomaly detection, open-set recognition, human-in-the-loop learning, and taxonomic prediction, all through the lens of fine-grained understanding. Hence, the topics relevant for FGVC10 are neither restricted to vision nor categorization.

Previous FGVC Workshops
